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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

[CASESTUDY] On How TO Get Your First Profitable CPA Campaign

If a campaign isn't performing well in a trafficsource, then first try on other traffic network with similar kind of traffic soure(for exmple try all networks providing pop-up traffic) then move on to other traffic sources like ppv, ppc, display advertisement etc.

A pretty good example is my PPV case study.

Might dig it up a little more:) lol

When talking about different traffic source for an offer that isn't working.

Say you decide to go with a email submit on pops with zeropark and it doesn't seem to work after optimising

When you say different traffic source, do you mean to try different traffic networks that also do popads ex popads, pop cash?

Or do you mean trying a different traffic source ex ppc, banner ads??

Cheers internal:)