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Changing background colour

I like the idea related to the background colour change willingness. I think some kind of pastel would be great. Use the try and error strategy:)
Thanks Bagi

I have been thinking of changing it for a while but not been able to choose the correct colour.

Jani is creating me a banner which is not yet complete. The banner is shown below. The text will be changed soon as well as the text 'proudly associated with LinkBid Script' What do you think of the banner?
Imran, the banner looks really great. Maybe you would like to use its colours.
Change main content background to light beige like on the left of your banner - blue doesn't belong there...

Body background use gradient image like the gradient line in the middle of the banner.

Main categories link color change to greenisch like a changing text in the left of the banner...

Subcategories links change to brownisch like "proudly..." text on the right.

This should work...
Looks $1000 better!

Just ask Jani to make you a gradient background image for the body. I may make it for you.

Also on category pages if there are no subcategories submit box is overlapping search box. You may want to adjust that...

As a thankyou for your ideas, please feel free to add two of your links at my site Link Bid and I will approve them for you.

Please add £2 for each link and ignore payment

Thanks :)
gkd, I guess you are using IE?

The problem is visible in FairFox browser.

Layout is working fine in IE.
Thanks for pointing this out SkinnerW. You are right, I am using I.E

I will check it out in Firefox

Thanks for your help :)
Check your PM an show us the results when you done

Thanks for the generous offer! 2 sites submitted ( & kwTags)