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ChatGPT's IQ Test


Well-Known Member
So what finally did it score overall? Estimated on the basis of five subtests, the Verbal IQ of the ChatGPT was 155, superior to 99.9 percent of the test takers who make up the American WAIS III standardization sample of 2,450 people. As the chatbot lacks the requisite eyes, ears and hands, it is not able to take WAIS’s nonverbal subtests. But the Verbal IQ and Full Scale IQ scales are highly correlated in the standardization sample, so ChatGPT appears to be very intelligent by any human standards.

I Gave ChatGPT an IQ Test. Here's What I Discovered
Then why am I often correcting its coding errors?
I only scored 92.2/121 when I took the CerebrumIQ and 93.3/137 with the Stanford-Binet for M way back. That's like being an "A" student but not a valedictorian or even at the top of the class. I obviously didn't make the cut. It's a noble group in some ways and a bit too much self indulged sometimes for my taste as an organization originally meant to engage and launch lofty but humble benefits for humanity. They do good stuff none the less and so does Prometheus, et al.

I'm not convinced though that AI has capacity for these exams. One of the differences is that AI has no emotional drive which, as declared by M and others, can either push test results higher for most (because they tend to be very competitive) and lower for others (due to intimidation). Their tests are meant for this to happen. While you and I can take the practice tests at home, it is quite different when you are on the clock in a controlled environment where you are monitored during the exam. M says on average, most high functioning humans will typically out score AI at the moment and in some part due to the emotional factor, in their opinion.
I have seen some contradictions to that 155 IQ assertion. And claims that the new 1o is doing much better --from my limited use of the beta 1o I really don't see that.

However, both the enormity and relational segmentation of the knowledge in these AI databases is not matched by 99.5% of humans. AI is like speaking to a multi-topical savant at times.

AI is not genius level but it knows a lot that I don't. However, it does not have great reasoning power yet --they are working on that currently ... We all may be surprised how quickly AGI happens --then what?