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Clean spamtraps

There is no way to clean traps for free.

If you want to be in the mailing game it costs money.

There is a member here that say they will clean 1mm for just $100. I'm skeptical, to say the least. Maybe one day I will test them and see how they compare. However, It's the cheapest option I know of.

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how can i remove the spamtraps to clean my list (1M) ? for free
Hello @Ayoub ACroOsS . There is no way to do it freely with any success rate. You can easily setup servers and try to clean it but spam traps has another algorhytm than lets say dead e-mails.

There is the link that eMonetize shared with you, but again it all depends on your needs and what you want to spend for it. But there are also other choices. So if you get a budget for it, i can help you find the right source to clean your data.
i think this is not a real collected mail list .
i think frank kern will only have like 10000 subscriber .
Real collected? haha, yes they are single opted-in which is why there are so many. Frank Kern does it his way, but it also depends on how you do it, and if you use single opt-in or double.
There is no way to clean traps for free.

If you want to be in the mailing game it costs money.

There is a member here that say they will clean 1mm for just $100. I'm skeptical, to say the least. Maybe one day I will test them and see how they compare. However, It's the cheapest option I know of.

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Thanks for mentioning us in your post eMonetize,
You should not be skeptical for our service. Our service is using by some large CPA Network Owner and Affiliate Network Owner. We help them to save a lot of money.

yes i have my own software and differents list from all isps
but i dont know how to clean spamtraps. i send more than 50% in spam i have difficult to reach inbox
if i do ill become rich