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You would likely be surprised at how many people still don’t have a go-to video streaming service for their evening leisure. You would be even more surprised at the payouts on offer for steering them towards adopting one. Our platform registers crazy CRs across all of these offers, so pick out the geos you prefer and give them a spin:

82682 [WEB+MOB] Movies&TV Shows (VOD) /FR [CC Submit] $22.00

82677 [WEB+MOB] Movies&TV Shows (VOD) /CL [CC Submit] $16.00

82676 [WEB+MOB] Movies&TV Shows (VOD) /AE [CC Submit] $16.00

Cap: 50 a day per affiliate

Restrictions: No incent, No cashback

FR Avg CR 4,51%

CL Avg CR 4,29%

AE Avg CR 3,07%

Ping your manager for more details if you need any or register here!

Exclusive dating offers for EU geos is a regular occurrence at this point, but always a pleasant one nonetheless. This time, there’s a thorough DOI flow and competitive payouts to match, with effective straightforward landing pages to guide the users in:

82750 [MOB] Frivoles-Kennenlernen /DE/AT/CH/LU DOI Exclusive 4.00 EUR

82535 [WEB] Frivoles-Kennenlernen /DE/AT/CH/LU DOI Exclusive 4.00 EUR

Cap: 50 leads/affiliate/daily

Flow: pixel fires on email confirmation

Male age: 18+ (target: 40+ for better results)

83711 [WEB] Milfflirtfindr /NL DOI Exclusive 3.05 EUR

83710 [MOB] Milfflirtfindr /NL DOI Exclusive 2.80 EUR

83707 [WEB] Milfflirtsogning /DK DOI Exclusive 6.4 EUR

83706 [MOB] Milfflirtsogning /DK DOI Exclusive 3.2 EUR

Cap: 100 leads/day per pub per offer

Tablets are accepted on mob offers

If you run dating, you probably have traffic for these geos anyway, so pop any of these into rotation and give them a quick test to see some unexpected numbers!

Register here

Today’s offer feature brings you squeaky-clean CPS nutra with a load of gorgeous pages with different angles to test. From weight loss to joint health, there’s quite a few products here to promote and get a hefty $68 payout on successful order:

(84122) [WEB+MOB] Curcuma Extra /FR/BE/LU [SS] FB pixel 68 USD

(84119) [WEB+MOB] Arthrorenov /FR/BE/LU [SS] FB pixel 68 USD

(84117) [WEB+MOB] Huo Yang Ning Jeunesse & Bien-êtes /FR/BE/LU [SS] FB pixel 68 USD

(84056) [WEB+MOB] GlucoBurner /FR/BE/LU [SS] FB pixel 68 USD

Flow: CPS (Straight Sale)

Pixel fires once the bank approved the payment.

CAP: 30/day per pub until quality is checked

Target age: 30+

Only FR, BE, LU traffic

No incent, No celebrity endorsement, No use of newspaper brands, No misleading, No brand bidding

All of the offers you see are capped at 30 leads per day, but that won’t be an issue once the traffic quality check comes through. Get your best creatives ready and prepare to scale!

Register here

One angle, many geos, high payouts – that’s the main gist of today’s highlighted offers. ClickDealer veterans know that once in a while a set of CC submit sweepstakes for EU swings by and quickly becomes fuel for multiple four-figure campaigns that run for months. Could this be the hallowed set? That’s up to you to find out.

(84340) [WEB+MOB] Win an iPhone 11 Pro /CZ [CC] 16 USD

(84338) [WEB+MOB] Win an iPhone 11 Pro /NL/SE/FI/DK/NO/CH/BE [CC] 32 USD

(84334) [WEB+MOB] Win an iPhone 11 Pro /CL/DE [CC] 24 USD

(84310) [WEB+MOB] Win an iPhone 11 Pro /AT/HU [CC] 20 USD

(84308) [WEB+MOB] Win an iPhone 11 Pro /NZ [CC] 25 USD

Cap: 50 per day per campaign until quality check.

Traffic restriction: No incent, No Adult, No fraud (if fraud is found transactions will be declined), No SMS

Please ping your manager for more details if you need any or register here.

A great way to get the most out of working with ClickDealer is keeping track of offers with Loyalty Program bonus rates enabled, making use of that by earning bonus points in addition to revenue, and exchanging them for luxury prizes! Here are a few offers with x2 bonus rates upfront, to show you what they look like:

74188 [WEB+MOB] Solar America /US(AZ/CA/CO/CT/FL/HI/IL/MA/MD/NJ/NM/NV/NY/PA/SC/TX/UT) [CPL] Sensitive Solar $10.00

74189 [WEB+MOB] Solar Savings /US(AZ/CA/CO/CT/FL/HI/IL/MA/MD/NJ/NM/NV/NY/PA/SC/TX/UT) [CPL] Sensitive Solar $10.00

ClickDealer SmartLink is probably the fastest way to earn Loyalty Program points, because of the sheer volume you can achieve with self-optimizing funnels and double rates applying to all of that traffic. Pick out your dream gift from hundreds of options, figure out how many points you need to get to your goal, and take any of these shortcuts to get it shipping as fast as possible!

Please ping your manager for more details if you need any or register here!

Setting up insurance campaigns in response to the current situation is a smart but oddly underrated move in affiliate marketing. Today we bring you a prime opportunity to dip into the vertical and see what fruits it may bring. It’s not much of a commitment budget-wise due to the fast SOI flow on these offers, so run a quick test and it might turn into a massive campaign.

83297 [WEB+MOB] Easy Auto Savings (Facebook Only) /US [SOI] 6.4 USD

76164 [WEB+MOB] Easy Auto Savings (SnapChat Only) /US [SOI] 5.6 USD

Please pm your manager for more detailed info or register here

Spending all this time inside is enough to make anyone gain a couple of kilos. For those who can't afford a home gym, options can be quite limited during the quarantine. Today's featured offers provide a shortcut for men who've lost some of their momentum during the lockdown and need something to pick up the speed at an increased pace:

(84890) [WEB+MOB] MSX6 Maximaler Sextrieb /DE [SS] 52 USD

(84886) [WEB+MOB] Thoraxin Maximum Testosterone /DE [SS] 52 USD


No brand bidding

As you can see, the payouts match the complex flow, so make sure to break out your best German creatives to make sure users follow through. Run a test and pump up your revenue!

Ping your AM or register here

Continuing our trend of weekly dating exclusives, today we bring you a much sought for French offer that pays 2.40 euro on SOI and blows a lot of EU alternatives out of the water.

(84993) [WEB+MOB] TresorLove /FR SOI Exclusive 2.40 €

Cap: 50/day per new pub (until traffic quality is confirmed)

No Incentive traffic, No Spam

The daily cap is set at 50 before your traffic checks out on the back end, and after that you can scale as far as your budget allows.

Ping your AM or register here

There is something uniquely attractive about the multitude of possibilities represented in a cash value voucher. The extra steps of picking out what you want to get make it a fun little shopping spree out of nowhere, and it’s hard to find a better way to harness that power than SOI offers for Germany with $3.2 payouts:

(85083) [WEB+MOB] Win a 250€ Primark Voucher /DE [SOI] 3.2 USD

(85082) [WEB+MOB] Win a 250€ Footlocker Voucher/DE [SOI] 3.2 USD

(85081) [WEB+MOB] Win a 250€ Lieferando Voucher/DE [SOI] 3.2 USD

! Uncapped !

Please pm your manager for more details if you need any or register here

Running a weight loss offer setup that covers all Nordics in May is a kind of thing you would do regardless of global events and social trends. After prolonged isolation, however, it’s almost safe to say there has never been a better time. With a 250 daily cap per geo, you will find plenty of space to test and scale.

(83084) [WEB+MOB] Slim36 /DE/AT [Trial] FB Pixel (No Celebrity Endorsements) [APPROVAL ONLY] €40.00

(82778) [WEB+MOB] WeeSlim /NO [Trial] FB Pixel (No Celebrity Endorsements) [APPROVAL ONLY] €40.00

(83107) [WEB+MOB] WeeSlim /BE [Trial] FB Pixel (No Celebrity Endorsements) [APPROVAL ONLY] €36.00

(84913) [WEB+MOB] Slim36 /FI [Trial] FB Pixel (No Celebrity Endorsements) [APPROVAL ONLY] €40.00

Cap: 250 per geo

No surveys, No incentivized traffic, No Celebrity Endorsements, No Adwords, Email on request!

Ping your AM or register here

There is more to nutra than many affiliates care to find out. Beyond the bread-and-butter weight loss and skincare products you can find trendier supplements that address a different pool of customers and can sometimes sell purely on the buzz. Here are some great examples:

85280 [WEB+MOB] CBD oil /US [SS] $92.00

Daily cap: 40 leads until quality is checked

85279 [WEB+MOB] KetoBurn /US [SS] $96.00

Daily cap: 20 leads until quality is checked

Only US traffic

No Pop-up, no pop-under, no SEO, no survey, and no incentivized traffic, no adult

Please pm your manager for more detailed info or register here!

This offer highlight doubles down on EU dating, and for good reasons. This fresh brand is holding an opening sale, offering an extra euro on the lead with open cap! The payouts you see are already adjusted, and will remain such until the end of June. Check out the offers:

85809 [MOB] AnoniemContact /BE DOI € 4.0

85808 [WEB] AnoniemContact /BE DOI € 4.4

85807 [MOB] AnoniemContact /NL DOI € 4.0

85806 [WEB] AnoniemContact /NL DOI € 4.4

Daily cap: open cap

Target: males 18+

Restrictions: - No incentive traffic - One lead per ip-address - No misleading advertising methods - No kickback-fee or incentive for the leads

Most of you probably have some EU campaigns running already, so it won’t take much time to switch things around and make use of this limited opportunity. The payouts speak for themselves!

Ping your AM or register here

Affiliate marketing doesn’t get more wholesome than PDF software downloads. With a wide range of geos to run and a great payout for CPS, this offer can become a stable workhorse for anyone with the right traffic. Check out the conditions and figure out if you can claim this goldmine:

85611 [WEB+MOB] Online PDF Editor /US/AU/CA/NZ/IE/UK/MX/BR/FR/ES/DE/SG CPS $32.00

Flow: Sale

Cookie: 30 days

Best traffic type: SEO, PPC, Fb, Amazon PPC

The best converting user age: 30-35+ years old

30-days free trial (after the 30 days there will be made the automatic money withdrawal)

Forbidden to use: Brand search, Browser ext and toolbars, Incent traffic, In-app, Retargeting, Sms marketing

Please pm your manager for more details if you need any or register here!
Running trendy health products in the US and other Tier 1 countries take a certain amount of finesse and creativity, but once a profit line is established, it’s going to last you a while. As you might have guessed, today’s highlight contains that exact type of offers:

85956 [WEB+MOB] KETO BodyTone /FR [CPS] FB Pixel $80.00

86068 [WEB+MOB] KETO BodyTone /International [CPS] FB Pixel $80.00

86070 [WEB+MOB] CBD Gummies /US [CPS] FB Pixel $90.00

86072 [WEB+MOB] HEMP Gummies /AU/CA/NZ/IE [CPS] FB Pixel $90.00

Restrictions: no incent, survey, cashback

FB pixel integration is available

International Skin/ME offers upon request

There are a few more angles available on request, so make sure to ping your AM to get the full range of options or register here.

There is not a lot of products out there that can compete with sweets and hygiene products in terms of universal appeal. You also won’t find a lot of competition for the exclusives in today’s highlight when it comes to payouts and LP quality. You will, however, find a whole lot of it on the offers if you’re late to the party, so get in there before it’s crowded:

(85955) [WEB+MOB] Win a Milka Package /DE [DOI] Exclusive 4.2 USD

(85950) [WEB+MOB] Win a 500€ Balea Package /DE [DOI] Exclusive 4.2 USD


Restrictions: No Incent, No Content Lock, No adult, No viral, No misleading creatives

Pm your manager if you need more details or register here!

Lots of nutra affiliates say CBD is the place to be right now, and we don’t doubt these words looking at offer stats. Today’s highlight comes with 2 flows (Trial and SS), offering unique funnels and appropriate payouts depending on how you want to set up your campaign. Take a look:

(86359) [WEB+MOB] Annabiol CBD Oil /FR [SS] FB pixel $83.00

(86358) [WEB+MOB] Annabiol CBD Oil /FR [Trial] FB pixel $44.00

Facebook and search (No brand bid)

Restrictions: No incent, No fake news, No Coronavirus claims/prelanders, No brand bidding on search

Cap: 20/day per pub until quality is checked

Please pm your manager for more details if you need any or register here!

Today’s highlight is a big one, because our latest exclusives are mobile app trials paying out $4 a lead with massive scaling potential and lenient terms. The offers cover most of the English speaking geos as well as EU countries, so you have a lot of options in terms of targeting:

(85510) [MOB] Total Security Pro App Android /US/UK/AU/CA/IE/NZ Exclusive $4.00 - 200 trials/day

(86766) [MOB] Sky Guardian /AT/BE/CA/DK/FI/FR/DE/IE/IT/LU/NL/NZ/NO/ES/SE/CH/UK/US EXCLUSIVE $4.00 - 200 trials/day

Flow: Free Trial

We have just set up these exclusives, and our team has a feeling they are about to become popular fast, so get in there before it’s over!

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