Graybeard if you have a minute could you plz skype me "noorou2"
Graybeard if you have a minute could you plz skype me noorou2
here's the file
/clickervolt$ grep -rni '\{zoneid\}' .
./db/objects/sourceTemplateModels.php:98: "{zoneid}" => "Zone"
PHP:<?php namespace ClickerVolt; require_once __DIR__ . '/../tableSourceTemplates.php'; class SourceTemplateModels { const BING = "Microsoft Ads (Bing Ads)"; const GOOGLE = "Google Ads (Adwords)"; const FB = "FB Ads"; const MEGAPUSH = "MegaPush"; const RICH_PUSH = "RichPush"; const ZEROPARK = "Zeropark"; const WIDGET_MEDIA = "Widget Media"; const TRAFFIC_STARS = "Traffic Stars"; const TABOOLA = "Taboola"; const SELF_ADVERTISER = "Self Advertiser"; const REVCONTENT = "RevContent"; const PROPELLERADS = "PropellerAds"; const POPCASH = "PopCash"; const POPADS = "PopAds"; const OUTBRAIN = "Outbrain"; const MGID = "MGID"; const AVAZU = "Avazu"; const ADCASH = "AdCash"; const ADMAVEN = "AdMaven"; static function getModels() { $models = []; self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::ADMAVEN, [ "{pubfeed}" => "Publisher Feed ID", "{remfeed}" => "Remote Feed ID", "{keyword}" => "Keyword", "{query}" => "Search Query", "{banner}" => "Banner", "{referrer_domain}" => "Referrer Domain", "{country}" => "Country Code", ], "{subid}", "{bid}")); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::ADCASH, [ "[zone]" => "Zone", "[campaign]" => "Campaign", "[country]" => "Country", "[lang]" => "Language", ], "[clickid]", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::AVAZU, [ "{bundle_id}" => "Bundle ID", "{publisher_name}" => "Publisher Name", "{source_name}" => "Source Name", "{creative_id}" => "Creative ID", "{category}" => "Category", "{exchange}" => "Exchange", "{media}" => "Media", "{country}" => "Country", "{carrier}" => "Carrier", ], "{subid}", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::MGID, [ "{widget_id}" => "Publisher", "{teaser_id}" => "Teaser ID", "{campaign_id}" => "Campaign ID", ], "{click_id}", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::OUTBRAIN, [ "{{publisher_name}}" => "Publisher Name", "{{publisher_id}}" => "Publisher ID", "{{campaign_id}}" => "Campaign ID", "{{section_name}}" => "Section Name", "{{ad_id}}" => "Ad ID", ], "{{ob_click_id}}", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::POPADS, [ "[WEBSITEID]" => "Publisher", "[CAMPAIGNNAME]" => "Campaign", "[CATEGORYNAME]" => "Category Name", "[CATEGORYID]" => "Category ID", "[FORMFACTORNAME]" => "Form Factor", "[QUALITY]" => "Quality Score", "[COUNTRY]" => "Country", "[ISPNAME]" => "ISP", ], "[IMPRESSIONID]", "[BID]")); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::POPCASH, [ "[siteid]" => "Publisher", "[campaignid]" => "Campaign ID", "[category]" => "Category", "[cc]" => "Country Code", "[operatingsystem]" => "OS", "[device]" => "Device Type", "[connection]" => "Connection Type", "[carrier]" => "Carrier", ], "[clickid]", "[bid]")); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::PROPELLERADS, [ "{zoneid}" => "Zone", "{campaignid}" => "Campaign", ], "\${SUBID}", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::REVCONTENT, [ "{widget_id}" => "Widget", "{adv_targets}" => "Target", "{boost_id}" => "Campaign", "{content_id}" => "Content", ], null, null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::RICH_PUSH, [ "[ADVERTISER_ID]" => "Advertiser ID", "[SSP_ID]" => "Segment ID", "[CAMPAIGN_ID]" => "Campaign ID", "[CREATIVE_ID]" => "Creative ID", "[SOURCE_ID]" => "Source ID", "[COUNTRY_CODE]" => "Country Code", "[OS]" => "OS", ], "[CLICK_ID]", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::SELF_ADVERTISER, [ "@@SOURCE@@" => "Source", "@@CAMPAIGN-KEYWORD@@" => "Campaign Keyword", ], "@@CLICK-ID@@", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::BING, [ "{keyword}" => "Keyword", "{QueryString}" => "Query", "{AdGroup}" => "Ad Group", "{AdId}" => "Ad ID", "{BidMatchType}" => "Bid Match Type", "{MatchType}" => "Match Type", "{Network}" => "Network", "{TargetId}" => "Target ID", "{lpurl}" => "LP URL", ], null, null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::GOOGLE, [ "{keyword}" => "Keyword", "{creative}" => "Creative", "{adgroupid}" => "Ad Group ID", "{placement}" => "Placement", "{adposition}" => "Ad Position", "{matchtype}" => "Match Type", "{network}" => "Network", "{target}" => "Target", "{lpurl}" => "LP URL", ], null, null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::FB, [ "campaign_replace" => "Campaign", "adset_replace" => "Adset", "ad_replace" => "Ad", ], null, null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::MEGAPUSH, [ "{feedid}" => "Feed ID", "{camp_id}" => "Camp ID" ], "{clickid}", "{bid}")); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::ZEROPARK, [ "{source}" => "Source", "{target}" => "Target", "{keyword}" => "Keyword", "{match}" => "Match", "{traffic_type}" => "Traffic Type", "{visitor_type}" => "Visitor Type", "{campaign_id}" => "Campaign ID", "{ad_copy_name}" => "Ad Copy Name", ], "{cid}", "{visit_cost}")); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::WIDGET_MEDIA, [ "{advertiserId}" => "Advertiser ID", "{pid}" => "Placement ID", "{adId}" => "Ad ID", "{campaignGroupId}" => "Campaign Group ID", "{campaignId}" => "Campaign ID", "{width}" => "Width", "{height}" => "Height", "{country}" => "Country", "{os}" => "OS", ], "{transactionId}", null)); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::TRAFFIC_STARS, [ "{keywords}" => "Keywords", "{site_id}" => "Site ID", "{site_host}" => "Site Host", "{adspot_id}" => "Adspot ID", "{campaign_id}" => "Campaign ID", "{category_id}" => "Category ID", "{creative_id}" => "Creative ID", "{referrer}" => "Referrer", "{carrier}" => "Carrier", ], "{click_id}", "{cost}")); self::push($models, self::createTemplate(self::TABOOLA, [ "{site}" => "Publisher", "{title}" => "Ad", "{thumbnail}" => "Creative", "{campaign}" => "Campaign", ], null, null)); uasort($models, function ($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a['sourceName'], $b['sourceName']); }); return $models; } static private function push(&$models, $source) { $models[$source['sourceId']] = $source; } static private function createTemplate($name, $vars, $externalID, $cost) { $varValues = array_keys($vars); $varNames = array_values($vars); $id = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]/", '', strtolower($name)); $tpl = new SourceTemplate($id, $name, $varValues, $varNames); return $tpl->toArray(); } }
Graybeard if you have a minute could you plz skype me noorou2