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Clicks from countries that i'm not targeting!!!



hello, i'm using voluum as a tracking and i found many click from others countries that i'm not targeting, that's a little strange, any help? thanks
Why is that strange? What is the problem exactly, aren't you getting more traffic that way?
This happens frequently.

  • Users in another country can be searching on your target countries domain.
  • Target country users are visiting a neighboring country and searching Google.
  • Users globally are searching from mobile phones in the target geo.
  • Another countries users were looking at your geos news sites that show display ads.
There are a dozen reasons why this can happen.

Are there a lot of them? A large percentage of clicks or just a few?

Are you targeting mobile devices?

Are you using a traffic source that automatically fulfills minimum spending requirements?

You have to give more data to get to the answer!
Dude don't worry about it if its only a few. You should only be concerned if its a hell of alot. If that's the case create a rule/path in your tracker for that campaign to send them to another offer. Or even better if they are coming from several different Geo's send them to a smart offer url. This will then direct them to the best offer based on there geo.
I too get many clicks from different countries which i am not targeting, if you are getting more visits from the counties that you don't target than the country you target. then think and analyze your campaign that how they got the lead to your site and streamline your strategy accordingly.
If you have a lot of clicks from geos that you didn't target, email your rep at the company you were advertising with. Often, they will reimburse you for the clicks.
Don't worry, this is normal, but if you think these unnecessary clicks are eating your CPC and CR then speak to your AM as soon as possible. Let him/her know what is happening. I am sure they will help you out.

It's unfortunately inevitable. Ad networks, ad servers, affiliate programs and tracking software use different GEO IP databases that are not always updated at the same time, which will cause for those countries mismatch between what you buy and what you get and what your aff program gets.

We have developed a fallback feature in TrackingDesk that allows you to automatically redirect your mismatch traffic to either a URL of your choice or to an offer within your TrackingDesk account that that will not only match your geo target, but will also take into consideration the category of the offer.

For instance - if you buy US traffic for an adult dating offer and you start receiving 10% of your traffic from Canada, the system will automatically redirect the traffic to an adult dating offer available in canada (and setup in your TrackingDesk account).

I wrote a blog about it a few months ago that you can read here.
Not fallbacking? See why you’re losing money

Good luck