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Now you see it now you don't ;)

Can anyone who knows the cloak technique explain it to me?

It's simply software that hides one URL & IP and shows another set to fool a company like Facebook so they don't see you are actually advertising in a fashion that violates their TOS. Total Blackhat!
@Alexfon Hello there,
Just like @T J Tutor mentioned in the previous reply, cloakers help you avoid bans from for example social media. Bots checking the links on social media and Google has their own blacklist of IPs, the clocker helps you avoid ban. Additionally some cloakers allow you to manage the redirect of a user using a specific device or from a specific GEO. By using them you have control of what kind of content is presented to the for example mobile user.

MyLead offers an own, free solution for cloaking - The HideLink tool. You can find more info about HideLink by reading our blog article here -

If you have any more questions about HideLink, feel free to contact us via, our experienced Affiliate Managers, will be happy to help you solve any kind of problem you might have.

Nikodem | MyLead