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Cloaking and general "rules of the game"


After thorough analysis on the forums, blogs, etc i got the info that

  • Many key offers payouts already tuned (downgraded) for affiliates that use black schemes and cloaking (i.e. mimic the famous brands, all this stuff that will get 100% ban from platform, so need to cloak anyway). Means if you play "white hat" you will get low or zero ROI, cause you wont reach CR you need without these methods. While true effective cloaking software is very expensive ($1к/month+), means its not for newbies.
  • On the other hand, many CPA marketers recommend usage of "white hat" methods and not black schemes.

Bottom line: i am a newbie, plus an experienced marketer, who usually played "white hat" methods and got more pleasure advertising maybe not top quality, but still good services&products. But i dont want to enter a battlefield with a bow, while others use heavy armored vehicles))) Cause i will loose or will get very low ROI which is not my goal, definitely.


  1. What offer types are more "white hat style" friendly?
  2. is there a room for newbs who will not violate adwords\FB, etc general rules, thus not require to use cloaking?
  3. Are really that much offers payouts downgraded because of marketers, that got great CR because of "black methods" (i.e. mimicking LP for famous brands&persons, etc)?

Wanted to add: for me its not a question "to cloak or not". Cause i wont. Not my game.

Its a question: what offer types i should choose to not be defeated by cloakers. What offer types i should avoid.
White hat can be used in every vertical. What happens is that you see the aggressive tactics of those that cloak and think that nobody running white hat can win. This is not true.

It is true that running black hat can get short term big bucks, but it is a running game. Running games mean you are always establishing new accounts, new credit cards, new black hat tactics, new everything daily sometimes and most certainly weekly. It's not necessary. It is lucrative, but it is most certainly not a business model that is getting easier, it is getting tougher.

White hat takes longer. However, learning to succeed with white hat will give you far more long term successes. To find out what offers and verticals you can run on any platform, simply read the terms of use and the advertising policies of each platform. Then build a marketing plan for each platform you will use.

As a Newbie, you have the future of your business ahead of you. Start with selecting a single niche in a vertical that is compatible with the terms of service and advertising policies of the ad platforms you plan to use. Learn to use a good marketing spy platform to find the ads that are producing, study the graphics, the colors, the copy, etc. Make a similar ad for your campaigns in the offer niches you spied on. Set daily budgets, study the data from your tracker, run your campaigns for at least a week so you can see when the ads are working, what audiences and/or demographics are responding, etc.

White hat works, it simply requires you to get your learning curve going. Learning never stops in this business, it's part of the daily routine for all of us no matter what level we have achieved.

If you have already joined a couple of networks, explain to your AM that you want to build your marketing campaigns to be as compliant with advertisers and ad platforms as possible and see if they have some input as to what offers are working well for someone like you.