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Ask Me Anything CPA campaign without investments 2.0.


Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager

A couple of years ago we published an article on ways to run a CPA campaign without investments. After nearly 2 years nothing has really changed and the question “how to launch a CPA campaign with no money?” is asked frequently. So today let’s take a look at other ways that work in 2020/2021.

In our old article we discussed how low-budget strategy works with Facebook, Instagram, Forums, Craigslist and Youtube. Well, they are still working, but we can add a couple of new techniques.

Content marketing
You can create a thread on Medium or you can even build your own blog on WordPress and start producing useful content. People from other platforms are going to read your articles, share them with friends, and as a result your traffic will grow.

Building a site with a healthy organic user base can be equal to owning a very precious asset. But it can be challenging sometimes, because ideally articles need to be published 2-3 times a week and the quality of those articles should be high. But it won’t be a problem if you have copywriting skills and know how to work with images and build beautiful infographics. Just don’t forget to optimise your articles by making up lists, using meta tags and discretion for search engine to rank your sight high.

Placement in rankings
Search for various rankings connected to the topic of your blog. For example, if your blog is related to weight loss, you can just google – “Best weight loss blogs”. And then, in case you can’t find your blog in that ranking list, just write to an admin and ask whether he can list your blog. Most of the time he will do it for free.

Guest blogging
Find blogs related to the topic of your blog and get in touch with admins. After that, discuss an opportunity of writing a guest post with them . Usually they will accept your offer, because every content-based blog is in constant search for content. Just remember that for a free placement your post should be really useful and professional. When it’s ready, publish it with your name and the link to your blog. People will read the article and if they are interested, they will click on your link.

Such integrations have proven to be effective not only to drive new users to your blog, but also for SEO.

Social Media
Create your own groups on social media platforms and link your blog to them. Making small teasers of your new articles with eye-catching images will make your followers eager to read full articles on your blog.

There are many platforms which can help you to boost your followers, but always remember that one real user is more valuable than 100 bots. Another way to gain new followers is being active in other group discussions. Try to be useful when giving advice and don’t forget to share the link to your blog. If you are active and useful, you will build a loyal audience that definitely will be interested in following your blog. But be careful, your messages shouldn’t look like spam to people or you will get blocked soon.

Pinterest is a great free traffic source if you are promoting offers for Canada, US or UK. Just sign up for Pinterest as a business and fill out your profile info completely. Don’t forget to add a cool icon, call-to-action buttons and URL to blog or landing page. After that you will have to verify your domain by placing a Pinterest tag on the homepage of your website or just by dropping it in your server files.

Then you should create 10 boards related to your customers’ interests and pin 10 items to each board to start. The pins should be helpful: recipes, instructions, quizzes, etc. Don’t forget to use detailed descriptions for the higher engagement and CTAs to clearly convey what problem this pin solves. Make it look and feel like a user generated content. Continue adding at least 15 pins a day.

Here are some Pinterest examples from our affiliates:



The awesome feature of Pinterest is that once you launch a campaign on Pinterest, it lives there forever. So after your pin is live, you can have a constant flow of traffic.

YouTube channel
Youtube is the most popular video platform in the world and it can be a good traffic source for your blog too.

Create your channel, put the link to your blog in the description. Shoot at least one video related to the topic a week. Mention your website in every video and invite viewers to check it out. Comment on other videos: if your comments are useful, people will follow your channel.

Here are some Youtube video examples from our affiliates:



Commenting on forums
Find the most viewed forum in your niche and create an account there. Then you’ll be able to put a link to your blog in the signatures section. Every message you write will have this link. And the best part of it – it is not considered as spam as it seems like you’re giving advice and this link is just a signature that you have.

As you can see, all the above methods require a significant amount of time. You should constantly produce content on various platforms, and be helpful and active. We know some affiliates who make good money with free traffic, but in most cases as they switch to paid traffic when scaling. This happens due to high competition and because invested time will not always bring you the desired results.

Of course, if you don’t have the sufficient ad budget, we will recommend starting with free traffic. It is a great way to minimise your risks of losing money and gaining necessary experience at the same time. Once you are experienced enough with free traffic and make some money with it, you can invest in paid traffic and scale up your campaign.

We have asked our affiliate managers to recommend TOP offers that work with free traffic. Here they are:

  1. [28196] Matcha Slim – FR
  2. [28192] Matcha Slim – DE, AT
  3. [17756] Black Latte – FR
  4. [28189] Matcha Slim – IT
  5. [12615] Black Latte – DE, AT
  6. [24167] Bentolit – DE, AT
  7. [23384] Flekosteel – DE, AT
  8. [1243] Goji cream – DE, AT
These offers can be classified as whitehat, which makes them suitable for beginners.

Also, we prepared some free services for you which can come handy when running a $0-budget campaign: – a free stock photo database. Of course you can be using Google Images or Instagram, but it’s not 100% legal due to copyright. – a tool which can be used to increase originality of your articles. Just insert a text, and this program will replace certain words with synonyms. Usually it’s not ideal, since it is done by a machine. We advise you to edit the text yourself after or run the result through the free version of Grammarly – a grammar checker that makes your articles sound more natural.

DeepL Translate is a great program for machine translation. It’s even better than Google Translate because Deepl was developed specially for translating big chunks of text.

Neil Patel: Helping You Succeed Through Online Marketing! – if you are looking for a tool which can help you to increase SEO by inserting high ranking keywords, try UberSuggest.

Royalty Free Music by Bensound | Stock Music – here you can find royalty-free music and sound effects for your YouTube videos.
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I went 'viral' sort of with a Tweet last night too bad I don't have any good links for political stuff right now. Twitter is a more sophisticated crowd that Facebook IMHO (for the most part). So, spammy links will not work.
14 hrs and almost 400K views :)



I did a typo on DIAL: too many likes before I caught it --took off like a firestorm ;)