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Looking For CPA forums

Forums which are focusing on CPA are slowly dying, I mean forums which are focusing on CPA ONLY.

Personally I do not visit any forums other than AffiliateFix simply because forums are not what they used to be few years ago :(

So to answer your question, for public forums - AffiliateFix & some private ones which we all know.

Other than that I have the feeling that FB groups are "the new forums" these days :)
Forums which are focusing on CPA are slowly dying, I mean forums which are focusing on CPA ONLY.

Personally I do not visit any forums other than AffiliateFix simply because forums are not what they used to be few years ago :(

So to answer your question, for public forums - AffiliateFix & some private ones which we all know.

Other than that I have the feeling that FB groups are "the new forums" these days :)

This is a very interesting thought actually. Thank you so much for guiding me!
From my experience, most of the forms are people that try to sell to people that sell to people that sell to the same people at the beginning.
it's like a never-ending circle
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I have the feeling that FB groups are "the new forums" these days

Yes, this has been a strong element. We felt the pinch of it over the past couple of years. However, we are beggining to see the movement back to our forum. Groups are great, but generally do not provide enough variations on information sought. This is why today's forums need to adequately stockpile current and bleeding edge information. Content will always be king.
From my experience, most of the forms are people the try to sell to people that sell to people.
it's like a never-ending circle

There is a lot of this, no doubt. One of the things with forums is the high cost of maintenance and staff. We created an environment where vendors can register and deal directly with the members. We vet all of the vendors with a strict criteria so to keep out the less desirable businesses that may take advantage of our members. We turn away as many as half of all vendor registrants. We do not want to start letting in the "$67 Push a Button and GET RICH" crowd.

The one thing to keep in mind is that the best way to get familiar with the vendors you need is with a collection of vendors in one place, like our Resources area. We all need products and services of various sorts to get our work done properly and efficiently.
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How does that answer the OP's question?:cool: He didn't ask for a network, he asked about forums.

Don't hijack threads please.