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CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of Reso

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Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

So how many videos have you got on YT now?

Are you using separate accounts, proxies etc?

32 Videos are up. 1 video per keyword, 1 to 5 keywords per offer. As of now, 4 accounts are running for them. No proxies. My modem changes it's IP every time I switch it on and off.

I know it' s too early to analyze the stats, but I see the conversion from a specific niche that an offer is targetting.

I got another conversion.

My Stats:

Converting offer #1 - Clicks 32 - Conversions 2 - Earnings - $4.29

I am also monitoring 2 other offers, which gets some clicks better than the others.

Likes, Views, and comments really do good. Another thing, the video is not ranking for a keyword I am optimizing.

Newbie Tip: when you are doing some youtube thing, check your stats! You will see some keywords in it. =)

I will create a video targeting that particular keyword and make more videos targeting every known keywords for that offer. I checked the Google Keyword, it gave me 52 keywords with daily search trend. Local searches are minimum of 48 and highest is 12,000 + .

Other than this, I am doing a lot of things and I will do my best to do more.

Anyways, School is coming. Gonna save some $$$ to start my PAID Traffic thing. :D
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of


Created 42 videos for my Top offer. The offer that have the conversion. I use GKW for generating keywords with trends. 1 video per keyword.
Uploaded it in MASS using 1 account.(you ask me why? I dunno). Maybe, too confident my videos won't get deleted.

That's it for now. I found some "good read" in some forums about my method. I will apply it soon enough.
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of


Created 42 videos for my Top offer. The offer that have the conversion. I use GKW for generating keywords with trends. 1 video per keyword.
Uploaded it in MASS using 1 account.(you ask me why? I dunno). Maybe, too confident my videos won't get deleted.

That's it for now. I found some "good read" in some forums about my method. I will apply it soon enough.

Hey, please let us know more about what you read about the method.

Also, what does it mean that you generated keywords using GKW with trends? Are you using google trends or google keyword tool? Or both :)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Ow, sorry. I use google keyword tool. When you click the column button thing, you can show the trends of every keyword within 12 months.
I will post the method here. Maybe, tomorrow. I am a little bit sleepy. It's 1:34 AM here in my time. Haha.

Your doing some youtube thing Smilodon?

Hey, please let us know more about what you read about the method.

Also, what does it mean that you generated keywords using GKW with trends? Are you using google trends or google keyword tool? Or both :)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

I've uploaded 5 vids for one offer, but plan to start this more seriously ;)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

Best of luck man.....Good starting.....keep updating to us.....
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of


No luck. Arg!
Anyways, I am doing some other things like spending time reading and learning again.
I hope to update this thread with more success in hand. :)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

I like your case studies. :) Nice work.

Is it possible for you to update your thread with your latest updates on your case studies instead of putting it in the comments? I was just suggesting this because it would be much easier for everyone to analyse your progress easily by just looking at your thread. It's just my opinion, :)

Good Luck! :)
Re: CPA Journey of a Teen - Taking Action after Reading Lots of

After a long thinking, I thought of using my SEO skills and focus with it.
I have done a lot of testing in ranking keywords for the past 3 years and managed to make it on front page.
I will stick to my game now.

By the way, if you ask if why the hell I stop doing SEO?
and I HATE IT....

I am fighting this attitude everyday. I know I can do it. I KNOW.

SO, this thread will be closed.
I will open a new thread.

That thread will contain all of my campaigns.. all of the things i do.. I will now use only 1 thread for my journey.
Thanks for tuning in.
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