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CPA Noob - Road To Success


Get your fix Ninja!
Hey guys.My name is John but yall can call me Bone :).

I have been doing internet marketing for more than a year now mostly promoting clickbank products through seo and social marketing.I have made my first $1k on my first 2 months of IM and since then i had alot of ups and downs.

Been trying to get into cpa for some time but i never pulled the plug but now all of that is history since i found you guys.So basicly im a complete noob to cpa but hopefully that will change soon.I do have some knowledge about marketing mostly on social sites and a bit of seo but i have to say that i hate seo so i try to outsource as much as i can.

I have decided to start this journal or case study however you want to call it here at cpafix after reading the 411 guide.I hope that this journal will keep my ass focused and with your help i will be seeing some molah soon :)

So after reading the 411 guide and the 7search posts on Luke's blog i have decided that my first attempt on cpa will be with ppc so Luke if you see this hope you will jump in and help me out.

So now that first step is made now all i have to do i create my 7search account and start my cpa journey wich i hope i can do it by tomorow but my first question is what type of offers tend to convert best on 7S? iphones,ipads,coupons,gift cards? pls let me know so i can do my keyword research.

I will try my best to update the journal as much as i can but keep in mind that i still work on my clickbank sites and also i do have an offline job so if yall dont hear from me for days remind me that i have a journal to update :).Im planning on testing more methods not only ppc but that will come later,for now im focusing on my 7search campaign.

So this is it.Wish me luck and see you next time with a new update.

PS : Planning on buying CPALabs training course after reading some good reviews about it on WF forum but idk if i should buy it or not.What do you guys think?Should i buy it?It will help me on my cpa journey? Let me know
1. Nice avi. It's A Brand You Can Trust. lol

2. Nice to see you getting started. As soon as I get my hands on some spare cash (it's a rare commodity around these parts lol), I hope to be doing the same. Here's hoping Luke comes through and drops some knowledge on the best converting offers for 7search.

3. Regarding CPALabs, I was a member at one point. Now, I may be kind of jaded from reading soooo many WSOs and not taking any real action over the years, but I think that since you've already been successful at Clickbank that you won't see anything new at CPALabs. Forum marketing, article marketing, etc.... Not to mention that after I was there for 6 months, no new info was provided... but I was still being billed. Not throwing dirt on the course, but that's just my honest opinion.

4. Good luck with your first campaign! I hope to see it updated early and often!
Hey man, great to see you taking action. First off i will get Luke here asap to advice you, as far as offers it ALL depends on the network and approach you will be using. Lets say for example you choose a iPhone email submit paying you $2, but because of the competition on 7search your paying $1 per click - its not worth it? You have to find a balance but your Affiliate Manager should help you with this - pick a network and speak to them asap and ask them what offers are hot right now with PPC and especially 7search!

If you need any help getting into a network hit me up! Or apply via the book!
Happy to see another guy starting taking action :D Well, you should pick offers that don't have much competition. If you pick Iphone or any other Apple product you'll be having a hard time trying to turn it into profit. Ask Luke for a campaign with that converts well on 7search but that doesn't have a lot of competition.

I was also thinking of buying CPVlabs, but at the moment I'll concentrate my efforts on PPV.
Thanks guys.

Im curently with cpatank,blamads,advert and a few more :).For this i will be using cpatank.I will pick a nice submit and start my first ppc campaign but first in need to talk with my am wich is Vito and see whats working on 7search.As soon as i have my campaign up i will be sending a pm to Luke and see if he can help me out.

Ok guys,here is me taking my first journey into the cpa world and already have some good news but we´ll see about that later on :)

So first i created my 7S account on 29 of march.I followed this link when i signed up and got $25 bonus to spend on there after i funded my account with $25.And so i got $50 to start my first ppc campaign using cpa offers.

After that i talked to my AM from my cpa network ( cpatank ) and see what offers would work better on 7S and i picked up 4 offers ( email submits ) and made 4 campaigns on 7S.To start my campaigns i have used Luke´s tuts from his site,you guys should read that too cause they rock.Here are the links :

I have added 10 keywords for each campaign with bids between 0.01 to 0.06.After 5 days of running those i have this stats so far : IMP - 152,912 CLICKS - 177 COST - $8.86 AVG CPC - $0.05 AVG RANK - 1.5. Imma break those stats down into campaign so you guys can understand better though.So here we go

Campaign #1 $1.65 payout offer

This one had only 3 clicks in 3 days and i had to delete this one

Campaign #2 $1.75 payout offer

This one had 21 clicks in 3 days with no conversion at all.I deleted this one too after 3 days because i wanted to focus more on the two working campaigns that i had.

Campaign #3 $1.50 payout offer

This has 63 clicks at the time im writing this and brought me 1 conversion.This one has 9 keywords but only 2 of them brings traffic.One has 35 clicks ( this one brought the conversion ) and the other one has 27 clicks.This campaign cost me $2.48 so far.

Campaign #4 $1.65 payout offer

This has 96 clicks so far and it brought me 3 conversions one while i was tryping this update :).This one has 10 keywords in it and only 4 of them bring traffic.One with 64 clicks ( this one brought 1 conv. ) ,33 ( 2 conv. ),3 and 1.It costed me $5.91 but this sure looks like a winner :)

Hope you guys can help me improve my campaigns and hopefully i can start making more molah soon.Should i start looking at subids and block the bad ones?Look for other kewords and replace the non workiing ones or should i wait more?

Im also testing pinterest right now with some email submits.So far so good.I got clicks but no conversions but its all good since im in testing mode right now over there.I will tell a bit more about what im doing when i have more stats.

Looks like i have a good start so far.Its not much but at least i found something that is working now i just need to tune that scale it and make more profit.

Ok so focus on Campaign 3 and 4 - take the converting keywords and those that are getting clicks and block the others - then for everyone you block add another new keyword - rinse and repeat until you find several keywords that get clicks and conversations - then its time to scale!
Look at the sub ids and then when you eliminate the bad traffic you can affort to raise the bid on the keywords that bring traffic, since you are not getting 40/50 clicks that never convert. If you see a certain sub id is not converting eliminate it but try to wait it out as much as you can. If you are paying 1 cent a click you can let that keyword reach 100 clicks before you delete it but if you are paying like 7 cents a click and you are on a tight budget of 50$ for example, you shouldn't spend 7$ just in 1 keyword.
Good case study so far, any updates? Learnt a few things from some of the followup comments. Slowly certain things are starting to sink in I think.