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Review DateProfits $4700 ****! Big S****er!


New Member
I don't want to write a scam report against a Big Company Like DateProfits.
But he wants my traffic and when i have earned a big money He banned me.
My Only Problem I haven't put my real address on application . OK fine .
Then he said he need solid reference from big company , then he will pay me,.
after that I given him solid reference and still he is finding another way to do not pay. wow! just some lame excuse to do not pay.
here some screenshot with description below: how big company scam us. haha

We agreed to test with 100/day PPL SOI

Now he wants 150/Day CAP. even i told him if low quality just inform me I will stop my traffic.
He told me if need to pause any k1 (aff_id) that not performing well we need to pause.. So traffic performing well still now... OK

We are talking about ACH though i am not from USA he told me he will change the info, ok fine..

He told me Why I have stopped my traffic... that means he wants my traffic bcz my traffic was performing well till now... And he checked with accountant to give me payment.
So he wanted to pay me bcz still traffic are good. NOW SEE HOW HE IS CHANGING WORDS...

i was asked for bump but he is not agree. and he saw that i have no traffic today and he hit me to send traffic....
Already 2 weeks gone . if traffic are bad then he need to STOP me but he didn't...

Suddenly he hit me that Hit up his partner Andyruster on skype and give him my DP acc and he will bump my price
Why Bump ??? That means My traffic good .... then nI have knocked Andy to bumo my Price and i got Bump.....

Andy is Bumping my Price wow bcz of Good Traffic,.


Finally ---------Increased price bcz of good traffic sources k1/k2=5
And my 90% traffic come from k1/k2=5

They are hitting me why I have not put my real location on dateprofits account so they need slid reference so they will pay ---- that's fine ...

I marked it see it...

When i have given solid reference Jay|Dateprofits told me to hit him by references . okay
he is telling bangladeshi are fraud but not all peoples/affiliates.
If i am fraud then No one/ not big company will refer/vouch for me Right ????

Given reference and jay|Dateprofits trying to change his word


So as his requirement I given him reference but he is changing his words...



When i have submitted references he is finding another ways to do not pay,
in this part he is saying my sales are fraud.
if fraud then he should tell me first then why the question where I am from ???
He is saying sales are flagged by sales dept. Okay fine ,,,, when i have asked him to give me reports he is not answering .... wow!!!!
bcz i know he can't give me reports , sales are clean....
Please Add sales Dept. on the conversations...
He is not agree to give me reports and add sales dept on the conversation wow!!!


Unnecessary with Lame Excuse He banned my account WOW!!!!

Just got another Vouch from a reputed company VIPOFFERS.
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Yes they S********, Previous time he banned my account with 10k usd , they are only blocking affiliates once you make 5k usd ... when i was at 9k usd they said me Traffic are awesome .. but when i was at 10k usd and payment day came ,. they said sales are flagged by sales dept.
Just a lame excuse to don't pay ,. i wanna f-kk jay's Mo....
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What goes around comes around -- truth is: You cannot prove anything when you are not the one accepting the traffic and converting the sales. The affiliate-sponsor (or affiliate <->network middle-man <=>sponsor) relationship depends on trust and honesty.

Lead generation is precarious by nature because acceptance and price the lead (SOI/DOI) has to always be weighed against the leads' performance -- something that is never transparent to affiliates. And something networks and sponsors never disclose except if compelled to by a discovery subpoena in a lawsuit --and good luck with that one :p

If your referrals are in fact profitable it makes no sense to cheat you because word gets out -- like I said reputation matters.

Best thing to do when you don't get paid is to shut off your traffic until you do get paid (<period>). Never throw good money after bad -- that is a sucker's bet --ALWAYS.
I always....always....tell people to be honest when they apply to networks. Most networks will work with you if you're honest from the start. If you lie on your application, they don't know if you're being dishonest about other things, makes it hard to trust you. I think you would have been better off to put your real address but provide your good references. Submit then call them.

That network isn't one of our vendors, so we can't ask them to pop in here.

Best thing to do when you don't get paid is to shut off your traffic until you do get paid (<period>). Never throw good money after bad -- that is a sucker's bet --ALWAYS.


Regarding the ban on your account, I think they pretty much always do that in cases like this. Like a switch turned off.

Sounds like you need to move on from this and start working with a different network.

A word of advice: Don't lie on your application.

Good luck going forward!
What goes around comes around -- truth is: You cannot prove anything when you are not the one accepting the traffic and converting the sales. The affiliate-sponsor (or affiliate <->network middle-man <=>sponsor) relationship depends on trust and honesty.

Lead generation is precarious by nature because acceptance and price the lead (SOI/DOI) has to always be weighed against the leads' performance -- something that is never transparent to affiliates. And something networks and sponsors never disclose except if compelled to by a discovery subpoena in a lawsuit --and good luck with that one :p

If your referrals are in fact profitable it makes no sense to cheat you because word gets out -- like I said reputation matters.

Best thing to do when you don't get paid is to shut off your traffic until you do get paid (<period>). Never throw good money after bad -- that is a sucker's bet --ALWAYS.
I always....always....tell people to be honest when they apply to networks. Most networks will work with you if you're honest from the start. If you lie on your application, they don't know if you're being dishonest about other things, makes it hard to trust you. I think you would have been better off to put your real address but provide your good references. Submit then call them.

That network isn't one of our vendors, so we can't ask them to pop in here.


Regarding the ban on your account, I think they pretty much always do that in cases like this. Like a switch turned off.

Sounds like you need to move on from this and start working with a different network.

A word of advice: Don't lie on your application.

Good luck going forward!

Just read the screenshots , He hit me up to increase traffic , suppose my traffic is bad so he should stop me,
SO i am from Bangladesh that's why he wants solid references , then he will pay me-- after i have given him solid references he is changing words and moved to another words,. why that ? if sales are fraud he directly need to say sales are fraud so you are banned,
why here the question about reference , He just played Games
Simple if i am fraud then big companies wont vouch for me bcz they don't have time for me but you saw they vouch for me bcz i am valuable.
A word of advice: Don't lie on your application.
I understand , in this case he wants for solid reference , so if they got solid reference then no problem where i am from ?
but you saw that he is changing words everytime to new technique to don't pay. just a s*** that's it..
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I understand , in this case he wants for solid reference , so if they got solid reference then no problem where i am from ?
but you saw that he is changing words everytime to new technique to don't pay. just a scam that's it..

You do have good references but I got the impression that they're still stuck on the original lie, especially since that network has had bad luck with people from your country. You didn't help change their minds about that.

you saw that he is changing words everytime to new technique to don't pay. did you, changing "I live in US to I live in.." only you told the truth only when you wanted to get paid.

just a scam that's it

But you are the one who was deceptive.

Dateprofits is 100% Scammer.
i saw it is completely scam...

We do not use that word here, please don't that again.

Look, I understand your frustration, I really do. The AM told you something that was later not effective to change his boss' mind. Nothing you can do about it if they won't engage with you. Plus, you spent money on ads that they encouraged you to do. Until they found out that you lied. That's what tripped you up, you have to accept it and if you're smart, don't do it again. You knew it wasn't allowed before you did it.

Sounds like you're doing great in other networks, try not to spend too much time and energy on this when you could be making money elsewhere.
What's your real name? Reading all the convo, it looks like you use mostafa rubel, Ali & Saneekalf? Why do you use so many name btw?

that is my exchanger/ who is going to buy dollars from me, his name . mostafa rubel
He created so many problem to don't pay, one by one i pass the exam he creating another problem,
1. need w8-ben so they will pay me
i have provided
2. account is flagged only reason you are bangladeshi. need to check sales
I have won this part too
3. he needs references now
I did and i won
4. sales are frauds wow !!! just WOW
after 45 days they are saying this .. if fraud advertisers easily understand in a week or 2just they are trying to find so many ways to don't pay,.
and they are changing words in every test i won
You should not have changed your name with every network, they would ofc suspect. Just have one "another" ID for all the networks so its easy for everyone involved.

From the chat it does seem you sent good traffic to all networks that were included here.

I hope you get paid.
You lied!, that's enough for them not to pay you. Remember they approved your application believing your fake address as real. You broke their trust at the first place. Why should they pay you?

It's not about traffic quality you send. It's all about business ethics.

They should pay because the traffic quality was good so they made profits. Didn't read everything but I'm pretty sure the offer owner paid the affiliate network for these leads. And the affiliate network kept the money.

I don't agree with what the OP did, lying about his residence country, but when you live in a shitty country (I live in one) you must do some things to be able to do business on the internet. I remember few years ago when I couldn't even have a PayPal account. I was doing SEO and people were interested in buying links and advertorials on my travel sites and I couldn't because there were no posibility for them to send me $50 or $100. I had a friend in U.S. and he was getting the money for me in his PP.

Please, think of these people how hard it might be for them to see everybody is making money on the internet and altough you are very capable you can't because you were born in the wrong country.

Good luck OP!
I don't want to write a scam report against a Big Company Like DateProfits.
But he wants my traffic and when i have earned a big money He banned me.
My Only Problem I haven't put my real address on application . OK fine .
Then he said he need solid reference from big company , then he will pay me,.
after that I given him solid reference and still he is finding another way to do not pay. wow! just some lame excuse to do not pay.
here some screenshot with description below: how big company scam us. haha

We agreed to test with 100/day PPL SOI

Now he wants 150/Day CAP. even i told him if low quality just inform me I will stop my traffic.
He told me if need to pause any k1 (aff_id) that not performing well we need to pause.. So traffic performing well still now... OK

We are talking about ACH though i am not from USA he told me he will change the info, ok fine..

He told me Why I have stopped my traffic... that means he wants my traffic bcz my traffic was performing well till now... And he checked with accountant to give me payment.
So he wanted to pay me bcz still traffic are good. NOW SEE HOW HE IS CHANGING WORDS...

i was asked for bump but he is not agree. and he saw that i have no traffic today and he hit me to send traffic....
Already 2 weeks gone . if traffic are bad then he need to STOP me but he didn't...

Suddenly he hit me that Hit up his partner Andyruster on skype and give him my DP acc and he will bump my price
Why Bump ??? That means My traffic good .... then nI have knocked Andy to bumo my Price and i got Bump.....

Andy is Bumping my Price wow bcz of Good Traffic,.


Finally ---------Increased price bcz of good traffic sources k1/k2=5
And my 90% traffic come from k1/k2=5

They are hitting me why I have not put my real location on dateprofits account so they need slid reference so they will pay ---- that's fine ...

I marked it see it...

When i have given solid reference Jay|Dateprofits told me to hit him by references . okay
he is telling bangladeshi are fraud but not all peoples/affiliates.
If i am fraud then No one/ not big company will refer/vouch for me Right ????

Given reference and jay|Dateprofits trying to change his word


So as his requirement I given him reference but he is changing his words...



When i have submitted references he is finding another ways to do not pay,
in this part he is saying my sales are fraud.
if fraud then he should tell me first then why the question where I am from ???
He is saying sales are flagged by sales dept. Okay fine ,,,, when i have asked him to give me reports he is not answering .... wow!!!!
bcz i know he can't give me reports , sales are clean....
Please Add sales Dept. on the conversations...
He is not agree to give me reports and add sales dept on the conversation wow!!!


Unnecessary with Lame Excuse He banned my account WOW!!!!

Just got another Vouch from a reputed company VIPOFFERS.
Hey! What kind of traffic did u use? And what kind offers?
Unfortunately we have seen a lot of quality issues with mainstream dating traffic. The biggest red flag is that you cloaked your real address. Quality is hard to verify when the leads first come in. The advertiser most likely looked at how many people were actually legitimate signups and how active your leads were on the dating website. This being said, the advertiser shouldn't completely do a non payment. If it's not fraud, payout should be adjusted based on quality.
Unfortunately we have seen a lot of quality issues with mainstream dating traffic. The biggest red flag is that you cloaked your real address. Quality is hard to verify when the leads first come in. The advertiser most likely looked at how many people were actually legitimate signups and how active your leads were on the dating website. This being said, the advertiser shouldn't completely do a non payment. If it's not fraud, payout should be adjusted based on quality.
i told him to adjust payout but not answering. that's crazy. really.
I know this post is very old but there are plenty of reviews of it being a scam because they don't pay between the name LustDollars & DateProfits. A lot of them are in different forums like this one. Maybe if you are still in the industry of running offers then you can reach out to me to see if I can help with some offers. I own Affiliates Media at You may reach out to me via email to and/or Skype ID: williamrclements
The biggest red flag is that you cloaked your real address. Quality is hard to verify when the leads first come in.

The question of cloaking is a red hearing -- I am an American and The US Constitution guarantees that the accused is Innocent until PROVEN Guilty. I do business under those legal codes regardless where YOU are.

Quality acceptance if and when stated transparently is OK with me -- one in 20 converts to a paid in status stated up front --FINE. A constantly moved goal post at my expense with no transparency FK OFF.

That said, the biggest thieves always scream the loudest --truth
So I don't know what to think of this ... If you got shafted I hope you get even ;)