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Dating offers and Facebook ADS


New Member
Hello friends!
I need advice from specialists who work with Facebook ADS and launch dating offers.
90% of my traffic that comes to offers is of very low quality, which is why managers forbid me to continue working. Please tell me the methods that will help me to improve the quality of traffic


Most affiliate network *adult* dating offers will not pass the muster when it comes to 'vanilla content' --possible but difficult.

To Facebook you are a low-life peeing in their pool.

aside:Facebook sued this guy for trademark infringement and lost :D
NSFW domain name

Facebook has a net nanny attitude to protect their reputation of product safety for the big money brand advertisers.
``sorry for the inconvenience``

Ask the machine :D
I can promote different creatives, I know the methods, I just don't know how to choose them so that there is a good quality of traffic for advertisers
Quality means what? LMAO. If you can send them ad referrals from a source like Facebook they should be kissing your ass.

WTF, maybe you sent them push ad referrals? That might be low quality. or popunders.

Native or banner --that is user clicked and should be 'acceptable' quality.
Quality means what? LMAO. If you can send them ad referrals from a source like Facebook they should be kissing your ass.

WTF, maybe you sent them push ad referrals? That might be low quality. or popunders.

Native or banner --that is user clicked and should be 'acceptable' quality.
Can you suggest platforms for normal work from facebook for dating?
Hello friends!
I need advice from specialists who work with Facebook ADS and launch dating offers.
90% of my traffic that comes to offers is of very low quality, which is why managers forbid me to continue working. Please tell me the methods that will help me to improve the quality of traffic
it sounds like you're facing traffic quality issues with Facebook Ads for dating offers. To improve quality:
1 - Prequalify your audience – Use interest targeting (dating apps, relationship advice) and lookalike audiences from high-quality conversions.
2 - Optimize creatives & ad copy – Avoid misleading claims; use engaging but realistic visuals to attract genuine users.
3 - Test landing pages – Use prelanders to filter unqualified users before they reach the offer.
4 - Analyze post-click behavior – If users bounce too fast, adjust targeting or creative to attract better engagement.
5 - Work with trusted networks – Try Advidi, ClickDealer, or CrakRevenue for better-managed dating traffic.

What GEOs are you targeting? Some networks work better for Tier 1 countries.