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I am optimising my landers and want to implement dynamic landing page token from the url. The Warning PopUp is populated with device brand and model but the actual landing page is not.

Your <script>document.write(getURLParameter("devicebrand") + (" ") + getURLParameter("devicemodel"))</script>might be infected by <font color="red"><span id="blink">(6) </span> Viruses!

On the landing page it just says:

Your might be infected by (6)

I have tested the url by adding "?" to the end and still only the pop up is populated.


Does this make sense, can anyone help me please :affiliatefix:
If you are using ?brand=Apple&model=Iphone then your script should be using them too!

<script>document.write(getURLParameter("brand") + (" ") + getURLParameter("model"))</script>might be infected by <font color="red"><span id="blink">(6) </span>
If you are using ?brand=Apple&model=Iphone then your script should be using them too!

<script>document.write(getURLParameter("brand") + (" ") + getURLParameter("model"))</script>might be infected by <font color="red"><span id="blink">(6) </span>

I don't want that in my script, if it is not an apple product and it says apple then whats the point of the script :/

What am I missing here I have seen this work, somewhere else i wish I could find that ad and get their code
You've lost me?

I simply copied your example and showed you what was wrong with it, i.e. your script wasn't looking for the correct parameters from the url..!!

The part in the url which is picked up by the script is ?brand= the bit after the = is the variable which your script will read, it says apple because that was in your example.

If you are asking how to set that parameter in the first place then that's something else but easy enough to do if you have them passed to you from your tracker.
I simply copied your example and showed you what was wrong with it, i.e. your script wasn't looking for the correct parameters from the url..!!

Sorry i was in a rush typing it thanks though.

If you are asking how to set that parameter in the first place then that's something else but easy enough to do if you have them passed to you from your tracker.

This is from my tracker:{devicebrand}&devicemodel={devicemodel}
OK if you tracker is using ?devicebrand={devicebrand}&devicemodel={devicemodel} then it will pass a link to a visitor something on the lines of

in which case you edit your script as follows:

<script>document.write(getURLParameter("devicebrand") + (" ") + getURLParameter("devicemodel"))</script>might be infected by <font color="red"><span id="blink">(6) </span>

That should then display "Apple iPhone might be infected by (6)"

You can test this yourself by simply changing the parameters in the URL to ensure the script is working as you expect, so

Would display "Apple iPhone might be infected by (6)"

Would display "Samsung Galaxy might be infected by (6)"

Would display "WidgetInc FancyPhone might be infected by (6)"


you have to pass the parameters from the tracking Software To your landing page :)
or you can include a library to your landing page to detect the device info .
but i really Suggest you pass them from your tracking Tool .
did you fixed the issue ? .
<script>document.write(getURLParameter("devicebrand") + (" ") + getURLParameter("devicemodel"))</script>might be infected by <font color="red"><span id="blink">(6) </span>

But this is what I have got in my Landing page, however its not working.
Im trying this on my Samsung phone and its not showing, Samsung Galaxy 7.

If I define values in the url it works.

What does that mean?

did you fixed the issue ? .

I wish...
it means you have to pass the variables trough your URL using the tracking tool .
what tracking tool do u use ?
just look you will find the way in the tracking tool to pass the tokens to the landing page .
i am sure that all trackers they have that option