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demographics of game players vs Push notice receivers on network


Active Member
How do i figure out the demographics of who receives Push notices in a particular Geo.
I am interested in Malaysia but will want to know for other areas too.

This is from Statista:
especially loved amongst the younger generations as 62.7 percent of Fortnite players are aged between 18 and 24, and a further 22.5 percent are between 25 and 34.
If this is the same group that is receiving Push notifications in Malaysia, than I have a good chance BUT if all the Push notifications receivers are 67 year old grandmothers, I am not going to do well.

How do I figure out who is receiving Push notices in a Geo?

You know, I thought about hiding the name of the game but I have so many other posts up about it that anyone, with even a little research, could figure it out. Also, should I just start combining all of this into one thread.

Would that make it easier on people? PLEASE let me know, I am finally getting some good information and I don't want to make it hard for people to help me.

(special thanks to EZMob, CPAHub, and especially Graybeard, there are others too but those 3 really stand out)

I made a complex database algorithm for US visitors. It's predicated on the IP address being accurate. Bottom line, with IP pooling of addresses in server locations, it's only correct maybe 70% to 80% -- as the real location may be off (the server location -- not that persons actual location). The demographics would be financial (for now). I will include census data also -- but will just be an overview demographic.

GEO Fencing is a way of buying ads based on a persons known GPS location -- primarily from handheld mobile devices.
I don't know it this is available for Malaysia but these ads are high-quality (supposedly) but rather expensive; like $5-$8/CPM banners. Someone *told* me the CTR was around 3% -- they are that targeted (supposedly).

User submitted data ---How accurate is it?
Facebook has segmented markets based on
  • user submitted information
  • tracking of website use --interests
  • and other ...
Constructing marketing personas is not easy unless you own a website with many members or purchase data to construct the details from.

The is no *web demographic tool* AFIK that is more than hype.
The Alexa Pro service has "website demographics" --but that is by website and not market segment ...
I'm sure you can tell that I am trying to figure out how to target the right users.
For instance, this says that 62 percent of Android users use it for "play" (old information, 2011)

because my offer is an email submit it is therefore "free"

Android users like "free" stuff.

So it sounds like Push notifications to Malaysian Android owners might be where I should start.

Should I use Transey to translate my Push in whatever Malaysians speak or is English good enough. They are very bilingual there, so I am kind of willing to assume that if they can affor a cell phone for Push, they likely speak English.
but maybe that is bad, maybe they have a "buy local" mentality and want to get offers in the mother tongue, instead of the language of their former British masters.

How can I figure all this stuff out?

Anyway, I assume from your response that any demographics given by whoever I buy traffic from will not be credible/reliable. (I am think EZMob or Propellar Ads for traffic) or is there some way to figure out a little bit from whatever information they have.

I had a Propellar Ads coupon for $70 buck more if I deposit $200 but I can't get their website to accept any of my credit cards to use it. It is a Servando thing, from his blog.
Demographic mean (to me):
Income/cost of living
Close location

GEO can be Location
The typical Ad Network only provides client attributes: browser, os, IP addresses and GEO. Some have; geographic subdivision (state/province/city/county, postal codes.

Selling your brand to the video gamer market
good luck I posted this some time ago

Can't help you with Malaysia no data ...