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Directory internal links a pain ?


New Member
Again ive got ANOTHER complaint about alot of Directory's online, the other day i commented about directory's that require registration before submission which really gets on my nerves unless its a premium directory, Today im going to moan about something different ! :rolleyes:

On Directory's you have a logo,a Home button and a Suggest link or similar button, I my personal opinion when you click on the Home button or the logo you should be redirected to the homepage ? Yes ? is there a special reason that there are so many directory's that set the Home button and the logo to the


Am i really missing something that i missing out on or are they doing it just to annoy me lol.
I agree, that is quite annoying and I also agree that the home and logo link should point to the homepage. Could be a mistake that the directory owner has made. :)
This usually happens because of an error caused by a missing / usually in free templates its quite common.