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Directory Owners forum closed?


New Member
I visited Directory Owners forum (Directory Owners Forum now and I got this charming message: Closed- Go pimp your worthless Directory shit elsewhere. (see attached image).

I wonder if the forum was hacked on the owner left closed the forum and left that charming message for users :eek:


  • directoryowners.jpg
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The last owner of that forum was not the biggest directories fan in the first place and made many post about his vew on directories in general. Most of them were similar nature as the message Temi stated in his OP. I am 99% sure it was genuine owners post, not the hacker.

I guess finally he got fed up with it plus with the Google help all directories related forums do not attract even fraction of interest comparet to what it was 6-7 month ago...
The question then is if you are not a directory fan, why start a directory owners forum? I think I know the original owner who started the site.. I was one of the first members of the forum.... don't think that founder was anti directory.
It was sold some time in the summer and old owner was still regularly participating in the forum
If it is the the forum was closed to directory owners deliberately I’m sure any message other than Closed- Go pimp your worthless Directory shit elsewhere would have been more appropriate!
i dont get it.

the new owner why didt he buy the forum.

i never visit there because he was always negative to all directory owners.
Well, you cannot accuse the guy of being dull, I like his message, its clear, concise and to the point :)
Well, you cannot accuse the guy of being dull, I like his message, its clear, concise and to the point

Couldn’t have been more concise if he had tied a note to a brick and threw it through my window. :banned:
I think a name change is in order now, directory owners forum that doesn’t let directory owners in seems slightly bizarre to me. Perhaps we should hold a competition and help the guy rename his forum?

I’d suggest a rename to Directory Moaners Forum
UPDATED MESSAGE On Directory Owners reads:

Closed. - Go pimp your worthless Directory shit elsewhere. I have permanently closed this site as the majority of directory owners/operators are crooks looking to make a fast buck. I have chosen not to sell this site nor participate in any directory related bull shit any further. Go argue who has what PR, who has the better script, etc. on one of the other directory forum sites...all of which share the same ignorant group of members. Have a wonderful day and may my friend Google bless your worthless directories with a PR0.

mmmmmm perhaps my rename of Directory Moaners was a tad mild! any suggestions?
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LOL...poor guy...he had a bad sleep for sure. It's so easy to say directories are bad or directories are good...the truth is always somewhere middle of the road...

How can't you love this industry? So much work to put in...I doubt other webmasters realise many soap operas and funny stories...

I really believe the directory branch is one of the most competitive these many things changing, so many new ideas and concepts coming out every day, innovations, mods, scripts, etc...
They might just want to consider changing their Google search description :rofl: - The impartial forum for directory owners and users. Resources,support, and discussion for all directory owners and newbie’s to ...
All i can say is the guy has true class in the choosing of his words lol, yet another waster of a decent vb license.
I fell sorry for those who invested their time posting at the forum.

To true, it may have been slightly different if he offered the domain & forum to someone who might have been interested in taking it on.
it doesnt make sense to me.

He was in control to make the forum go the way he wanted to go.
If you dont like the posts delete them, and make it a quality forum.

I was a member there, but lately didnt post there anymore.
there was a lot of stupid fights in there, but i think thats in the hands of the forum admins and the moderators.

they have the power to make or destroy a forum.

But thats just my 2 cents.
Can someone remind me who the owner was. I'm sure I was a member on that forum but may have just visited a couple of times.