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Discuss how Cut Placements and lander


New Member
hello dear friend

I just started my CPA journey with Adcombo and I Started to promote offers TITAN gel.

Offer: TITAN gel
payout: $12.5
Landing and Pre-landing by Adcombo
im using 12 banners

i run my campaign 2 days and already spent $125.92 and still running.
got sales $50 and on hold 3 ( $37 ) so if lucky got $87 total

i got this data from ad network:

banners :

banner 1 : 427,344 impression ,cost $10 >> 2 conversion
banner 1 : 425,665 impression ,cost $10>> 1 conversion
banner 3 : 374,124 impression ,cost $10 >> 1 conversion
banner 4 : 427,758 impression ,cost $10 >> 0 conversion
banner 5 : 427,999 impression ,cost $10 >> 0 conversion
banner 6 : 374,780 impression ,cost $10 >> 0 conversion
banner 7 : 374,780 impression ,cost $10 >> 0 conversion
banner 12...

my question when i can start cut bad banner ? so i can start kill all banner with no conversion now? or wait and run it until 1 weeks?

ad placement (zone ad displayed )


i tick with red is ad placement/zone that give conversion

so what i should i do ? when i can start kill zone that not give conversion ? or i need to wait an adzone spent 2x payout and no conversion then i can kill it.

my last question i need to kill bad banner first or bad ad/placement first?

anyone can give me advice about this, or may be reference to optimize campaign with data.

i think this also same too with landing or prelanding to optimize/choose best landing/prelanding with data we have.

thank you
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my last question i need to kill bad banner first or bad ad/placement first?
Kill bad banners first.
I think you should spend 2-3x offer payout on each banner before cutting one. Since You've gotten so few conversions, keep running, ROI so far is great for testing. You'll be in the green in a few days for sure.
Kill bad banners first.
I think you should spend 2-3x offer payout on each banner before cutting one. Since You've gotten so few conversions, keep running, ROI so far is great for testing. You'll be in the green in a few days for sure.

thanks for your advice, i will keep it running untill all banners spend 2-3x offer payout

also can u give me explain here what should i do with this ad placement/zone
that give me weird data very low ctr like this screenshot below , can we say this zone send bots traffic?

589 visit only 5 go to landing,
472 visit and 0 go to landing ... what should i do with this kind type ad placement/ zone ? kill it or keep running.

thanks for your advice, i will keep it running untill all banners spend 2-3x offer payout

also can u give me explain here what should i do with this ad placement/zone
that give me weird data very low ctr like this screenshot below , can we say this zone send bots traffic?

589 visit only 5 go to landing,
472 visit and 0 go to landing ... what should i do with this kind type ad placement/ zone ? kill it or keep running.

You can kill it during the testing phase when you're still working on developing the banners, but when you've developed the winning banners, start the placement again to see how it works.
i think this also same too with landing or prelanding to optimize/choose best landing/prelanding with data we have.

Have you spoken to your AM? Mine gives me all the best info on which prelanders/landers to use for my traffic.

I would also check to see how these offers convert with banner traffic. The top earners are promoting them on Facebook and Adwords.