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Do BlackHat methods work?

Black Hat methods might offer a quick thrill, but they're a risky shortcut to nowhere. Search engines and users see through them, leading to penalties, damaged reputation, and unsustainable results. Instead, focus on high-quality content, ethical SEO, and building trust for long-term success. Remember, true value wins the race, not manipulative tricks.
Black Hat works, if you have an event and a domain named to the event like worldcup2025 com - do it. If the event is over the domain is useless.
For Longterm project do not use black hat tactics. your domains is burned for a long time.
They can work, but some are illegal or at least immoral. The people selling the methods are not very different from some regular course sellers, they make their money selling you the methods, not practicing them.
They can work, but some are illegal or at least immoral.
When they "immoral" that is a farce really -- why do some of the people like them so much :D?
However, platform AUP (Acceptable Use Polices) are binding in unilateral contracts of adhesion.
If you don't agree with the AUP leave --You may very well get squashed rolling a bolder uphill ;)
Well yea they work but not for long time and you dont have a business because your efforts can be ruined anytime .Some people make a lot of money with those methods but its not sustainable .But be aware that not all the methods presented on blackhat forum are blackhat
Some of the methods are whitehat and legit and you can develop a real business
It's true that some quick-win methods might bring short-term results, but for lasting success, focusing on sustainable strategies is key. While some tactics may seem shady, not all methods from forums are blackhat; some are legitimate paths to building a genuine business.
Don't come back crying when your 'blackhat' backfires and you get hit by a truck ...

Blackhat Method still works for SEO but it will not last long, because Google always tries to scan and delete these methods on your website.