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Do-follow Blog Commenting

Julia Ann

Blog Commenting is good link building practice as most of the link builders follow Blog Commenting to build good quality links but I have noticed most of the Bloggers have added a no-follow attribute for No-follow links.

So I'm looking for Do-follow Blog Commenting list.
Blog commenting is a good technique, but commenting only on the relevant website can give you positive results. Only a few blogs offer do follow links. it is very rare to find relevant do follow blogs.
Well do follow blog commenting is a hard thing. It's not working like in a early 2000 with pagerank. Right now it should be like max 10% of a link and it not necessary to build it. TL:DR It's worth if you have list/program which is doing it manually. Better to add some links in other sites.
LOL @2000

Blog commenting is the process of posting comments below blog posts. The process helps to build no follow backlinks that are helpful to redirect traffic from various external webpages to your domain.
you have recently started your blog and facing problem in ranking your blog in SERP results then building some High Authority Backlink may work for you.
I have been in this field for not very long but around 1 and a half of year. Till now I might have posted more than 1000 comments with links of which not more than 50 might have been approved as per my last check. All of them were no follow. I guess do follow commenting is kind of vanished form from the digital media.
Currently blog commenting is not so important for building backlinks. To build good backlinks, there are two types of backlinks, namely do follow and no follow. Both of them must look natural. But we must be consider is the quality of the backlink itself. If your site give useful information through the article, you will automatically get a backlink from a visitor that interested with your site. So, please write for a human, not for search engine.
Probably, one reason is that;
  • the majority of blog comments are useless
  • or insincere attempts to get link-backs
  • or with the purpose of hijacking that blog's (traffic,) users for the commenter's affiliate offer :p