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Do you buy online?

Of course I buy online almost all the time, it's a good way of spending money you earn while working online and at the same time it can be fun to shop online since you can easily compare prices.
I am a regular eBay buyer. I also buy from Amazon and other top online retail shops. I have purchased many ebooks and software from various forums using Paypal. I have even purchased a few second-hand electronic items and a branded wrist-watch from eBay, and luckily, those items have worked well.
Absolutely! I prefer to shop online because I lot of times I can find things cheaper than in stores, even after shipping. The only thing I don't like about shopping online is having to wait for the product to arrive. However, that normally doesn't stop me from doing most of my shopping online unless I need the product right away.
My spending habits are about 50/50 when it comes to whether I buy online or offline. I'm a touch sporadic and slightly impulsive with my spending, but I like to physically go out to the store I have in mind for some fresh air every once in a while, seeing as I'm usually cooped up at home most of the time. I used to use Liberty Reserve for some things, but I got some red flags from them in the past and luckily I pulled out before their recent closure. I now use Paypal and everything is perfect, I've never had a problem despite the horror stories I hear *knocks on wood*.
I still buy mostly offline, since the things I buy are usually better when tested personally such as clothes and small gadgets. I find it's best to search and buy online when looking for gifts, though, since it's much easier to find unique items on the internet than it is offline. I've never been too interested with unique items myself, however, so I just buy at the mall since it's located close to my home anyway and I still prefer buying at actual stores at this point.
I buy online but not as often as you do. I just buy things online whenever I have something I like that I really wanted to get that stuff. I haven't made a purchased that's more than $10. lol. I usually spent around $10 below only because I am only buying accesories which is quite cheaper than any other items online.
I don't buy regularly online, sometimes I go through a spell of buying stuff on places like ebay, then I might not visit the site again for months. There are some major shopping venues near to where I live so it can be just as convenient as shopping online and can be a day out as well.
I have been buying online since late 1990s. The first things I have ordered are computer parts. I used to shop (online) to find the best deals for the same items. In early 2000s, I started to buy pretty much every computer hardware from newegg since they always had the best deals on most stuff.

Later, the products I buy online expanded to everything except for groceries and clothes.
I bought my TVs and speakers, etc. all from online vendors.

Not only it is easier to buy online, the main thing is that there is no sales tax if you buy from a vendor who does not have a physical location in your state. Not sure how it works in other countries, but this is for within the U.S.
I do not see any problem with buying stuffs online, but you should buy from well reputable websites.

I normally buy stuffs on Fiverr, Amazon, and Ebay.
Well I still remember back in the 90s, my mom and a few of her friends were saying "It's a bad idea to buy stuff online" because they were afraid of fraud and they probably heard of a terrible story about it.

Seriously though, there are fraud even if you buy directly from the sales person. There will always be fraud no matter if it's online or otherwise. Just go with the big name companies and it should be fine most of the time.
I think almost everyone in the world with an internet buys one thing or another online. Groceries, televisions, games, and information products. I think they main items I buy, are games, and information products.
I do it. I get paid through PayPal. However, the only things I really buy online are video games and like t shirts and stuff, nothing too big or special.
I buy most of my clothes and books from eBay and Amazon.
I also buy games from Steam from time to time(especially now and during other discount days).
I used to buy online a lot, but now I tend to shy away from it. I've had a few bad experiences with it lately, so I think that's why I haven't done it as much. I used to be a fiend for Ebay, and I might go on it soon to buy a Wii just to watch Netflix on! Lately I've only bought a few things off Babies 'R' Us for our son on the way.
I buy online everytime now. I just don't see the use of going to a physical shop like Target when I can get it online, and it's cheaper. It's way more convenient, and there are more options for payment. I usually stick with the popular online marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Newegg, etc.
I mostly buy stuff online from amazon and eBay. I have made purchases on other online retail sites, but mostly buy from those sites. It really doesn't matter how I pay either Paypal or credit.
I buy a lot from Amazon. At least one thing every month. Usually that thing is a book although I buy some electronics every now and then.

I promote affiliate links from the Amazon Associate program and as I live outside US I get paid with store credit and that way I pay for most of the purchases I do there :D
To me there is no better feeling, than when I get an email from Paypal, saying that someone has paid me. It's the best feeling ever in my opinion, and ofcourse I end up buying some stuff. I usually order alot of thing's on Ebay, like video games, headphones, clothing, shoes, and all types of stuff. I also shop on Amazon, and I order stuff in bulk, such as Monster Energy drinks, toothpaste, and deoderant just to name a few.
I do like to shop online. It is so convenient. I even purchase groceries on line and have them delivered. I always make sure I am dealing with a reputable seller and that any items I do purchase from E-Bay can be returned if they do live up to expectation.