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Do you know someone who earns well with PushAds? how to start right?


New Member
Hello everyone, I recently started looking for ways to make money with Push Ads, at first I was a little confused but I decided to test a campaign, despite making a profit of $ 10 on the first attempt and investing $ 50, on the second attempt I was at a loss.

Can someone who understands the subject give a light on the steps to follow to win this game?

I was lost with the metrics and not knowing what to do to optimize or scale
Thank you for your help.

I had a little trouble finding more serious content about PushAds on YouTube.

most of the content is about extra income with CPA and not focused on testing, scaling and optimization and scaling strategies.

I'll do more research, maybe I did a shallow search.
(push, pop) are mainly for branding and building viewer interest as well as viewer loyalty.

That's how I see it too.

Push ads that you buy from networks do not convert well.

What I mean by well, is better than 3% pay-out (affiliate CPA) or first sale conversions if you are the actual seller of goods.
As comparison PPC converted 10%-18% of DIRECTIVE ads (search) converted into first time sales (customer acquisition).

That has been my experience with e-commerce, XXX cams and gambling --as an affiliate. Small waste of money BIG waste of my time.

They (push, pop) are mainly for branding and building viewer interest as well as viewer loyalty.

Much like pop ads --we used to buy as many as 200K pops a day, as a seller.
A customer acquisition was worth $500 LV (customer lifetime value) maybe 25% NET profit.
The ROMI (return on marketing investment) was in branding.
Results: 14,174 brand name and typo searches today after 15 years of constant 'parasitic' (read:intrusive) ads.
Thanks for helping me open my mind a little.

what is your business model currently? I feel lost in this sea of information on the internet.

full markets, high competition, high publicity... I'm full of doubts being a beginner in the world of online money...
what is your business model currently?

70% content marketing and 30% PPC CPA.

I feel lost in this sea of information on the internet.

Well, we have seen and heard this from most newbies for the last 25 years in this business. Instead of overwhelmed, what you really are feeling is an abundance of "How do I know where to start and how to start?". I love to tell the story of the first time I went to the Smithsonian in Washington. I walked through the doors of their Museum of Natural History (they have more than a dozen different museums there). I walked through the doors and just stood there gasping (I was 18 at the time). My jaw hit the floor, I almost couldn't speak, I felt immediately that i would keep coming back until I had a chance to view everything at least once. I felt true and unadulterated AWE! That's what you are experiencing. AWE: "a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.". It just makes people stop and think they are overwhelmed but they are actually experiencing awe.

So the thing to do in this business is to read, then read, then read some more. You have to learn the lingo and learn from others that are in their initial stages with some success behind them. This way you get to have others to follow and communicate with so as to share thoughts, challenges, resources, etc. Forums are great for this.

After a week or so of extensive reading about the tools we use, the types of marketing available, the budgets needed to support you through your learning curve, you can take a day or two to decide which area of marketing will be your entry point. Pick one, no more at the beginning. Maybe start with ppc, ppv, ppl, push, etc. First pick the type of marketing you will start with and then you can assemble the other things you will need like a couple of affiliate network accounts, a couple of traffic sources, a tracker, an intelligence subscription, etc. This is when your learning curve begins. This is absolutely necessary and is an extremely important aspect of starting your new business.

I'm full of doubts being a beginner in the world of online money

Well, it isn't online money, it is online marketing. You are starting a business and you need to treat it as such from the beginning. If you have doubts, then those are doubts about yourself and not the industry. The industry is very lucrative and very healthy!
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70% content marketing and 30% PPC CPA.

Well, we have seen and heard this from most newbies for the last 25 years in this business. Instead of overwhelmed, what you really are feeling is an abundance of "How do I know where to start and how to start?". I love to tell the story of the first time I went to the Smithsonian in Washington. I walked through the doors of their Museum of Natural History (they have more than a dozen different museums there). I walked through the doors and just stood there gasping (I was 18 at the time). My jaw hit the floor, I almost couldn't speak, I felt immediately that i would keep coming back until I had a chance to view everything at least once. I felt true and unadulterated AWE! That's what you are experiencing. AWE: "a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.". It just makes people stop and think they are overwhelmed but they are actually experiencing awe.

So the thing to do in this business is to read, then read, then read some more. you have to learn the lingo and learn from others that are in their initial stages with some success behind them. This way you get to have others to follow and communicate with so as to share thoughts, challenges, resources, etc. Forums are great for this.

After a week or so of extensive reading about the tools we use, the types of marketing available, the budgets needed to support you through your learning curve, you can take a day or two to decide which area of marketing will be your entry pint. Pick one, no more at the beginning. maybe start with ppc, ppv, ppl, push, etc. First pick the type of marketing you will start with and then you can assemble the other things you will need like a couple of affiliate network accounts, a couple of traffic sources, a tracker, an intelligence subscription, etc. This is when your learning curve begins. This is absolutely necessary and is an extremely important aspect of starting your new business.

Well, it isn't online money, it is online marketing. you are starting a business and you need to treat it as such from the beginning. If you have doubts, then those are doubts about yourself and not the industry. The industry is very lucrative and very healthy!
thanks for the words grandpa.

I'm doing that right now, reading and trying to understand this "language from another world".

despite many terms that I still don't fully understand, I identify with what he said, it's really a mixture of admiration and fear with everything I see around here as success stories and victorious stories. I want to find my space too.
information or misinformation?
There is a sea of misleading information with ulterior motives in affiliate marketing --especially MMO charlatans ;)

I have been selling for over 40 years in one way or another --not much has really changed. Just repurposed.
probably the 2 reasons...

there are always people wanting to sell their training, but that's part of the game, there's not much you can do...

I just want to find my space too.
I feel lost in this sea of information on the internet.
information or misinformation?
There is a sea of misleading information with ulterior motives in affiliate marketing --especially MMO charlatans ;)

I have been selling for over 40 years in one way or another --not much has really changed. Just repurposed.
I want to find my space

See, never lose focus of that as a newbie. That is exactly what you need to succeed. Pick an entry point, and then master it. 3 to 6 months for he average individual with an average budget, and an average aptitude. Once you master one, then you will research and read as much as you can (again) to find a second path with marketing. As long as you learn one at a time you will do well. You can implement more than one marketing practise at a time, any you have mastered, but you cannot master two a time. In other words, with anything you have mastered, you can have ongoing business in those fields, but when learning a new aspect of marketing it should be the only one you are in learning mode with.
Veja, nunca perca o foco disso como um novato. Isso é exatamente o que você precisa para ter sucesso. Escolha um ponto de entrada e domine-o. 3 a 6 meses para o indivíduo médio com um orçamento médio e uma aptidão média. Depois de dominar um, você pesquisará e lerá o máximo que puder (novamente) para encontrar um segundo caminho com o marketing. Contanto que você aprenda um de cada vez, você se sairá bem. Você pode implementar mais de uma prática de marketing por vez, qualquer uma que domine, mas não pode dominar duas de uma vez. Em outras palavras, com qualquer coisa que você domine, você pode ter negócios em andamento nesses campos, mas ao aprender um novo aspecto do marketing, deve ser o único com o qual você está aprendendo.
thanks for the teaching, grandpa.
Hello everyone, I recently started looking for ways to make money with Push Ads, at first I was a little confused but I decided to test a campaign, despite making a profit of $ 10 on the first attempt and investing $ 50, on the second attempt I was at a loss.

Can someone who understands the subject give a light on the steps to follow to win this game?

I was lost with the metrics and not knowing what to do to optimize or scale
It's a bit hard to answer your question based on your provided information. However, push ads + CPA offers can be very profitable.

What's interesting is that in this thread we have comments about "misinformation" and then people giving you their opinion about a type of traffic they seemingly don't use themselves. Push ads are a major traffic source for affiliates that push CPA offers; they allow you to run verticals without issues that you won't be able to run on other traffic types without cloaking (for example, gambling).

Push ads are definitely NOT only for branding, building viewer interest or loyalty; they're great for direct response too. That's why this ad format is a big source of traffic for CPA affiliates.

If you could give some more information about what you've tried I think someone that knows this type of traffic could push you in the right direction.
É um pouco difícil responder à sua pergunta com base nas informações fornecidas. No entanto, anúncios push + ofertas de CPA podem ser muito lucrativos.

O interessante é que neste tópico temos comentários sobre "desinformação" e, em seguida, pessoas dando sua opinião sobre um tipo de tráfego que aparentemente não usam. Os anúncios push são uma importante fonte de tráfego para afiliados que promovem ofertas de CPA; eles permitem que você execute verticais sem problemas que você não conseguiria executar em outros tipos de tráfego sem ocultação (por exemplo, jogos de azar).

Os anúncios push definitivamente NÃO são apenas para branding, para aumentar o interesse ou a lealdade do espectador; eles são ótimos para resposta direta também. É por isso que esse formato de anúncio é uma grande fonte de tráfego para os afiliados da CPA.

Se você puder fornecer mais informações sobre o que tentou, acho que alguém que conhece esse tipo de tráfego pode empurrá-lo na direção certa.
hi, thanks for replying.

It's been 1 month since I've tried campaigns for offers of nutri for penis growth in Peru.

get a negative balance because I don't understand anything about optimization in this ad model.

I spent days with the same creative to get clicks because I had an average of 2000 per day, which is little in this type of advertising
Olá @thiagorgg77,

Tenho alguns afiliados que estão fazendo Push / Native / Display / Media Buy etc etc e o que percebi é que, quando você inicia uma nova campanha, leva alguns meses para criar seus cookies porque seu tráfego inicial e a fonte estão em estágio de aprendizado . Pode ser que você veja um CR muito baixo inicialmente, mas as coisas vão melhorar em breve. Depois que seus cookies forem criados para a campanha, você começará a ver o CR% melhorar e, se tiver uma perda nos primeiros 2 a 3 meses, verá lucro depois disso. Apenas você tem que ter certeza de que está fazendo certas coisas certas, como indiquei abaixo.

1) Selecione sua rede e anunciante de maneira inteligente, onde você pesquisou o suficiente sobre eles
2) Não envie muito tráfego para o anunciante, senão você pode ser suspenso
3) Certifique-se de que seu CR% seja mantido no mínimo 0,50%, na pior das hipóteses, caso contrário, será um problema
4) Adicione links de rastreamento do Google em seus links, pois ajuda os anunciantes a rastrear seu tráfego no Google Analytics
thanks bro
Hi @thiagorgg77,

i have few affiliates who are doing Push / Native / Display / Media Buy etc etc and what i have noticed that when you start a new campaign, it takes couple of month to build your cookies because your initial traffic and the source are in learning stage. May be you will see a very low CR initially but things will improve soon. Once your cookies are build for the campaign, you will start seeing the CR% to improve and if you did a loss in first 2-3 months, you will see profit after that. Just you have to make sure that you are doing certain things right as i have pointed out below.

1) Select your Network and Advertiser smartly where you have done enough research about them
2) Dont send too much traffic to the Advertiser else you can get suspended
3) Make sure your CR% are maintained to minimum 0.50% in worst case else it will be a problem
4) Add google tracking links in your links as it helps Advertisers to track your traffic in Google Analytics
this post is a little old, since then I got some advice to focus on one thing for 3-6 months, and that's what I'm doing.

I'm no longer advertising through push notifications, I'm actually figuring out which font fits me best so I can give full focus
this post is a little old, since then I got some advice to focus on one thing for 3-6 months, and that's what I'm doing.

I'm no longer advertising through push notifications, I'm actually figuring out which font fits me best so I can give full focus
If you are really focussing only on one thing then i can only say that "Best of Luck"