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Do you Work on the Weekends?

Do you work on the weekends?

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Since I've started working online over a decade ago, I have come to divide working people into two classes: people who work for themselves and people who work for others. 3 Days ago I celebrated my 11th year straight traveling. I have done everything from design/develop web apps to marketing them in any way possible. One thing I noticed, the more I work for myself, the more weekends are just another day. With no schedule to dictate when I should work, I simply work when I need or when I am building something bigger, and sometimes I work all day! Granted, after that is always the reward of more free time to enjoy the places I'm staying.

So simply, my question for you all here at Affiliate Fix is if you work weekends and why?
Yep, every day is the same for me. My only spare time when I feel like I can relax is when I am waiting for campaign approvals or decide to take a break(rare) before starting my next campaign after one dies out after a good run.

Some days could be all day, some just a little - if there's been major problems like a huge overspend and it's the weekend then I guess it's a full weekend off. But I still find myself researching or planning during that time. It's an addiction for me for sure!

And yeah, probably around the same length of time for me 11 or 12 years. There's a lot of positives, but it's not all plain sailing looking back! :)
When you are self employed there are two kinds of work;
  1. grunt work and
  2. creative work.
So, what do you mean by work?
I define creative work as the gain of knowledge and how to apply that to some strategy or tactic.
Grunt work is coding, editing, moderation or editing of tactics in some way
I try to do 20% grunt work and 80% creative work -- what day the work is done is immaterial to me -- when inspired or the necessity arises ...

I was reading through this last night: 131 Actionable Ideas from Ten Books I Wish I Had Read Ages Ago Trying to better use my creative time.
When you are self employed there are two kinds of work;
  1. grunt work and
  2. creative work.
So, what do you mean by work?
I define creative work as the gain of knowledge and how to apply that to some strategy or tactic.
Grunt work is coding, editing, moderation or editing of tactics in some way
I try to do 20% grunt work and 80% creative work -- what day the work is done is immaterial to me -- when inspired or the necessity arises ...

I was reading through this last night: 131 Actionable Ideas from Ten Books I Wish I Had Read Ages Ago Trying to better use my creative time.

Nice, yeah, the 80-20 rule is a great one! Any work is included in this... Basically if your girlfriend would consider that you're working instead of having time to spend with her or friends, then it's considered work in this poll :D

I try to also balance the grunt work and creative work, and yeah, I feel you on the immaterial thing. It's like work isn't work at all most of the time... that's another dimension of why weekends are not weekends for me. When I have time off from creating or grunting it, it's when I feel like having time off and it is usually not on the weekends.
Since I've started working online over a decade ago, I have come to divide working people into two classes: people who work for themselves and people who work for others. 3 Days ago I celebrated my 11th year straight traveling. I have done everything from design/develop web apps to marketing them in any way possible. One thing I noticed, the more I work for myself, the more weekends are just another day. With no schedule to dictate when I should work, I simply work when I need or when I am building something bigger, and sometimes I work all day! Granted, after that is always the reward of more free time to enjoy the places I'm staying.

So simply, my question for you all here at Affiliate Fix is if you work weekends and why?

Yes we do,

Work is worship. We find something interesting every day.
Wow, so far 100% of you replied that you do work weekends! Hah, wow, so affiliates and online workers generally feel the same as me. Good to know! Someone's gotta work while everyone else is sitting on their asses ;)
Since I've started working online over a decade ago, I have come to divide working people into two classes: people who work for themselves and people who work for others. 3 Days ago I celebrated my 11th year straight traveling. I have done everything from design/develop web apps to marketing them in any way possible. One thing I noticed, the more I work for myself, the more weekends are just another day. With no schedule to dictate when I should work, I simply work when I need or when I am building something bigger, and sometimes I work all day! Granted, after that is always the reward of more free time to enjoy the places I'm staying.

So simply, my question for you all here at Affiliate Fix is if you work weekends and why?
no. You have to give some free time to your brain to recover the enerdy. Otherwise you won't be effective
Almost every company which is trying to be the best is working on the weekends, just to be better than other companies. In MyLead we are available 24/7 so yes, we are working at the weekends too :cool:
I do currently for two reasons:

1. As a Physiotherapist Saturdays work provides an opportunity for patients who can't make it during the week to come in and get looked after.
2. I have started my own Physiotherapy, Health and Wellness blog which requires a bit of hard work to get going - as I'm sure most are already aware, so the weekends just provide more opportunity to work hard at it.

Ideally I think we should work hard now so that we don't have to later. I don't like the idea of working on weekends so hopefully I won't feel like I have to in the future!
Since I've started working online over a decade ago, I have come to divide working people into two classes: people who work for themselves and people who work for others. 3 Days ago I celebrated my 11th year straight traveling. I have done everything from design/develop web apps to marketing them in any way possible. One thing I noticed, the more I work for myself, the more weekends are just another day. With no schedule to dictate when I should work, I simply work when I need or when I am building something bigger, and sometimes I work all day! Granted, after that is always the reward of more free time to enjoy the places I'm staying.

So simply, my question for you all here at Affiliate Fix is if you work weekends and why?
Nice to read this beautifully written routine, I would like to state that, I have recently started a project with few of more with me. I would say weekends now give another kind of happiness & vibes, the happiness of working for yourself, the happiness of creating something big by my self. Hope this kind of enthusiasm continues with me & my team.
Yes, I do. And somethimes my work is more productive in weekends than other days. I think if you do all your best you will get excellent results.
Yes, most of the time I work something like 7 days a week 7 hours a day really. It allows me to stay productive all the time and only then after some time I do realise I need to take some good rest here anyway. So please do let me know your cases too.
Submitted my vote. But it depends. If it's something important, like if something on my website is broken or causing issues, then I work on weekends. Otherwise, I don't.