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Does Google penalize sites with links from social bookmarking sites?


New Member
Hi I think the algorithm, whatever it is give penalty to Site who get traffic from backlinks like bookmarking links? Not necessarily that you have coppied contents or something. You could have all original contents but you will still be penalized maybe due to your backlinks?? An example is you type in your Blog Title and your site will not come out, instead all the sites that you are link to will come out from your search. So heartbreaking that your Site with your Site Title will not appear but all others link to you will appear, how is that?
That has nothing to do with links from social bookmarking sites. You may have been penalized for something, though.

Use this query on Google:
of course, using the URL for your site instead of "".

Tell me what happens.
Social bookmarks definitely won't generate a negative effect on your rankings, in fact its a great way of getting your site indexed initially (due to the crawl rate of such sites).

Are you sure your site has been penalized or perhaps your site is just rather new and is yet to rank in the SERPs?
if you do the '' query, what should the results look like? i just get the other pages (links.html, about.html, etc.) of the site i'm searching.

Yes, exactly. So if you previously had pages indexed and they suddenly disappear from the index, that's one indication of a penalty.
Social bookmarking sites seem to lose value for getting Google ranking now, however Google never penal a site using bookmarking links and as long as the contents on those bookmarks as unique.
Most social sites have a nofollow policy. So the link is seen by the crawlers but they are not considered backlinks.
Most social sites have a nofollow policy. So the link is seen by the crawlers but they are not considered backlinks.

True - they may have the NF attribute in the anchor tag - but I still have the feeling that G counts them, rather they say so or not.
Let's take a step back... NO BACKLINK CAN HURT YOUR SITE... yes, think about it... if it did, would people not keep adding those backlinks to competitor's sites???