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Does Google still recommend 100 links or fewer per page?



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Thanks for the video. I do feel that Google has different rules/policies for different websites. If your website has 20000 pages then you could have more than 100 links.

You need to have natural links and not abnormal no. of links.
Thanks for the video. I do feel that Google has different rules/policies for different websites. If your website has 20000 pages then you could have more than 100 links.

You need to have natural links and not abnormal no. of links.

Cutts is talking about OUTGOING links on a single page, not site-wide.
nice video. Well I think that Google doesn't care that much if you have thousands of backlinks, as long as they have quality on it :)
Yeah Right! You Should have a quality backlinks to your site. I think What matter is Unique and quality content that will help the searchers. :)
Minstrel this post was talking about 100 links on YOUR page correct? Not 100 backlinks TO your page...hopefully this is the case or that would make no sense to me what so ever!
I dont think google cares about that stuff, I have a new site that i did a link farm with and my site got ranked in the top 5 within 2 months of launching it