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Does Prosper202 have Google, Microsoft and Facebook Integration?


Active Member
1. Posting conversion data from Prosper202 to Google ads/Microsoft ads
2. Automatically getting spend and cpc from Google ads/microsoft ads to Prosper202
Did you ask this in their forum?

I asked some questions there not too long ago and didn't get any responses. There are so many great choices other than Prosper. I recommend getting one the trackers listed in our resources area.

Did you ask this in their forum?
Do they have support forum?. Can i have URL to it. so i can ask there too.

I asked some questions there not too long ago and didn't get any responses.
Look, they stop upgrading. it providing same outdated tracker for free.

I recommend getting one the trackers listed in our resources area.
They are very costly from 70$ - 200$/month for the tracker with above option i need. where my budget is max $30 a month for tracker.
Do they have support forum?. Can i have URL to it. so i can ask there too.

hey stop upgrading. it providing same outdated tracker for free.

That's my point. You should never use outdated platforms in this business.

They are very costly from 70$ - 200$/month for the tracker with above option i need. where my budget is max $30 a month for tracker.

You haven't researched well. There are several free trackers out there like SKRO.
You haven't researched well.
I did

There are several free trackers out there like SKRO.
SKRO, Bemob and MaxConv is good tracker with free plan for new affiliates. I said option which i need Posting conversion to bing and getting cost from bing is missing in these trackers.

As far i researched, this option is available in Voluum. And CPVLAB can post conv to Bing but cannot get cost. Both tracker are out of my budget $30 a month.
Posting conversion to bing and getting cost from bing

I'm in a tracking group and we meet tomorrow night. I'll see if these guys have a solution. I used to use bing and I don't recall that being an issue. I do use Voluum though. If I remember correctly, I also did this in RedTrack. Have you checked out RedTrack?
Redtrack may have the answer for you. RedTrack API
Yes they have. even voluum have this solution. The problem is tracker with features in out of my budget.

I do not know why Tracker cost are dam high everywhere. It easy for peoples to purchase who earn at-least $200+ a day but peoples like me who hardly make $300-500 a month which also include cost of advertising and hosting cannot invest $100+ on trackers.

Redtrack cost is similar to Voluum. like i mentioned above my budget is $30 a month. At this time, i believe no tracker which can fulfil my requirement under my budget.
I do not know why Tracker cost are dam high everywhere.

These are not high fees. You can start volume for $140 a month. That's just $4.67 a day for an individual to start. Not being able to invest $140 a month for your tracker in this business means you are underfunded.
These are not high fees. You can start volume for $140 a month. That's just $4.67 a day for an individual to start. Not being able to invest $140 a month for your tracker in this business means you are underfunded.
Something looks cheep for you doesn't mean it really cheap. I will say this Tracker are greedy business. They over charging.

Companies like Web Hosting and Analaytic services charge much less even they have lot of tech work and difficulties.

Price of affiliate tracker is high due to small market size and lack of competition companies.
Something looks cheep for you doesn't mean it really cheap. I will say this Tracker are greedy business. They over charging.

Companies like Web Hosting and Analaytic services charge much less even they have lot of tech work and difficulties.

Price of affiliate tracker is high due to small market size and lack of competition companies.

In this business, like any other, making declarations like yours is of no value. As business people, we have a choice to try and create a business without proper preparations and a proper budget (always leads to failure) or to study the industry, select an entry point, learn the business, establish a proper budget, acquire the necessary tools, establish a scheduling for continuing education, implementations, and daily work. Etc., etc., etc.

You are complaining about something that you are ill-equipped to make such claims. This is the result, in part, of your inability to start a business with a proper budget. When an entrepreneur enters a market to establish a business, they analyze the requirements and find a way to implement them. What they don't do is complain about the costs, the costs are established and required. They aren't up for negotiation and complaining about them is ridiculous.

If I want and need a particular "thing" for my business to succeed, I don't start by complaining about it's cost. Especially with an industry established successful product. I simply add it to my budget and design my business to include and cover the cost. If you need something, then earn more to pay for it!

You are not demonstrating the wit of a businessperson. You are demonstrating a lack of knowledge and a lack of experience in business.

I say again, if you cannot afford to pay $4.67 a day for a tracker, a requirement in this business, then you are in the wrong business. This isn't 1996, this is 2023 and this business is a field of highly trained professionals that understand the need for proper budgets and the requirements for very sophisticated tools in order to succeed. You have to find a way to compete with them, or you will not succeed. Business is a competition. When a sport requires players to wear cleated shoes, you cannot play the game with barefeet!
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