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Does the name of the domain matter for landers?


New Member
I been running some CPA offers and I was wondering if the name of the domain matters for my landers? Does it have to be related to the vertical that I am running? For example, if i was running adult offers but using a domain like ? (just a random example) The visitors usually won't see the domain name until they are on it. My landers are connected to banners via some one would need to click on my banner then get redirected to my lander before the offer. I was just thinking once they are on my lander, would they look up at the address bar and see the domain name being healthyfoods, would that affect my conversions any way?
An effective domain name must be clear, simple, directed, and intuitively applicable to your business. What most experts suggest that your domain name must align with or reflect your business. For instance, if I have sell some health products or write about health related tips, it is always good to have a domain name like or or so on. Just imagine who would click on my link if i have a domain like for the same site?... Makes sense
Again, now-a-days people are a bit technology sound that they read at least the first part of the URL. If this sounds fishy, there are high chances for them to bounce off. This technique may result users clicking on your URL, but wil ultimately bounce off.

So, have a effective domain name to qualify your website for success - choose one that clearly states what your website is all about. Fancy, ambiguous domain names can do nothing good.
I been running some CPA offers and I was wondering if the name of the domain matters for my landers? Does it have to be related to the vertical that I am running? For example, if i was running adult offers but using a domain like ? (just a random example) The visitors usually won't see the domain name until they are on it.
Yes most of visitors check url and if domain related of you promoting service or product then it's good for better results. so if promoting adult offers then try to use similarly domain.
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The only way you can find out for the offers you are running is to split test. Last time I split tested this I didn't have a huge difference in CVR, but it also depends on what scripts and stuff you are using on your page. If you're using a JS alert then the domain is going to be front and center in front of the user, so it might be worth while to use a related domain in that case.
I think it's mostly because of the visitor's check URL and if domain related to you promoting service or product then it's good for a better result. so yes.