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Does This Site Officially Recommend Any HTML Website Designers

King Conga

Active Member
I've got an HTML site that's partially finished: It's my first site I've ever attempted, but I'm in over my head. I just have a few subtle technicalities to fix to get the core of the site completed. My hosting site (HostGator) offers a web building service, but they say they have to start from scratch and unable to use what I've already done. I seriously doubt I'll be able to afford an independent contractor, not because I'm cheap, but because I'm on a $1,000/mo fixed income. Any ideas?
That is like 10% done using a template ... tools are bad IMHO for this reason --now you need to find someone that has worked with Free Website Builder Software | 10,000+ Free Templates or basically a tool operator as that is a drag and drop webdesigner.

You need a written wireframe plan of what you want to do to show someone interested in bidding the work.

Wirefame is a sketch of the appearance of the pages
you need page names and server paths e.g.; // /drumsticks /guitar-strings /conga-drums
text content in UNIX line ends \n

If you do the 'leg work', and make the job easy, it will not cost that much --are you to that point yet?
That is like 10% done

Frankly, I don't see anywhere near 10%. I don't think I could call it 1% done.

I'm in over my head

If your plan is to sell audio gear, you need to use something like either a complete Amazon Associates plugin site template, or a complete Shopify site template.

It appears you are trying to do this yourself which has resulted in, as you say, being way over your head.
Thanks Guys. First of all, I'm not really SELLING the equipment. I'm creating a place where musicians that are researching equipment can come and in 15-30 mins can do the research that would take 6 weeks, or even months from reading a compilation of 100's of consumer reviews from probably 25 retailer sites (like Amazon), as well as 3-4 professional reviews. To make $$$, I'll post at least 8-10 (or as many of the retailers I can find that carry the product) retailer affiliate links so shoppers can pick their favorite retailers. There will be several other key features that are unique to my site.

As for a wireframe, that certainly makes sense. My bad for not having the discipline to put that together. It's just when I saw how easy the NicePage drag/drop game was I got carried away, until I hit this brick wall. Could you recommend a good EASY wireframe tool?
I like using a svg graphics program to draw out my rough ideas of a site template and layout.
Inkscape is what I use
Open source --most os.

If you want to literally take a pad of drawing paper and make a blueprint like sketch with pens and highlight markers that would work too.

A wire frame is a *starting* plan of what you will build. Annotation is optional according to your needs.