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Doorway Page Issue


New Member
OK, let's say you had a few pages that you intentionally ranked on mispellings. (GASP). Before you get all excited, the SE's allow this - after all if someobody mispells something, it would only be the right thing for you to provide with a page, right? :)

Anyway, now they have traffic, and actually do make me some money. It's just that they look soooo baaddd with those dang ol' mispellings up in the title and heading and all like I'm a durn idiot.

Does anybody have a solution...i.e. I've been reading around and trying to figure out if a redirect will do more good than harm in the long run.

Any ideas?
Not sure, but redirecting is typically frowned on.

I dont deal with mispelling sites or domains at all, but just came up with a brilliant idea so you can use the mispelled KW and not look dumb.

Use the mispelling in the title tag and page title for spider food.
Then under the page title add a sub-title

Blue Wigdets

You searched for Blue Wigdets. If you meant to search for
Blue WIDGETS you are in the right place!

Then in the body a couple times say Blue Wigdets (Widgets)
Too funny. Here we are talking about typo domains... I copied your spelling of mispelling without using my spell checker.

It's misspelling... I knew that! :p
Hey Linda, I make typos all the time when I'm typing fast. I have to proof my pages, so ha ha I probably just ran right over a couple of unintentional ones in the post!

That's why I know that people who do searching leave off double letters or leave letters out. But I generally don't leave big glaring ones up in my page headings, and I'm concerned it would really hurt the "trust factor" on my pages. It surprises me that these pages really don't covert that badly. Bad Spellers and Fumble Fingers Unite!

But you have a good idea. Put "BLU WIDGITS" in the heading as SE food. Then in small letters below it, "Did you mean BLUE WIDGITS?" Cool beans. You are ALL WIZE (ha ha wise).