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Case study - Ideal Slim Italy. $11300 on Facebook


Dates: 1.04.20 - 17.04.20
Spent: $9,4K
Revenue: $20,7K
Profit: $11,3K
ROI: +120%
Source: Facebook
Affiliate network:
Offer: Ideal Slim - id18458
GEO: Italy - [IT]

This case study was shared with us by one of the top affiliates - Yevhenii. Thanks, bro

Hello everybody:)
Yevhenii is with you. I’ve been in affiliate marketing for more than 2 years and mainly work with the CIS market. Several times I’ve been trying to work with Europe but these attempts were not very successful. April 20th was special for me. Details below …

I successfully delivered traffic on weight-loss offers in the Russian Federation and Ukraine before the quarantine. After the authorities declared quarantine my loss was $400 and the approval rate was nearly 0%. After a break for a couple of days, I contacted the manager of DR.Cash and began to figure out what is going on with Europe. The decision was made instantly: Ideal Slim - [IT] and Weight Manager - [PL]. Both offers brought good profits but Poland volume was not significant (100 lead daily). For that reason, I’ll tell you about Ideal Slim.


I had 2 trusted FB accounts and used it for two stages.
I started with the first account 03/31 and added the second on 04/10.
The target audience was broad - women only 18-64.

I used landings and pre-landings which were provided me by the manager.

Pre-landing (available at by id 11351):

And landing (available at by id 12598):



Landings and pre-landings are half the battle. At first, I adapted the creo for the CIS. However, in the end, this option turned out to be the best:


Stats from account:



And from my Facebook account (the second one is in selfie check mode now):




Facebook accounts were trusted and it helped to avoid a lot of problems. Occasionally, ads required quality checks. The main difficulty arose with the budget - I had only $250 on both accounts at the start. My gratitude to the manager and bookkeeping for timely payouts!

My pro tip for this campaign:

I used special banners “confirm that you are 18+” (shown below). The combination of this ad and trusted account allowed me to pass moderation with an almost 100% probability.


I wish you all increasing profit, never stop, conquer new financial peaks, and destroy the barriers in our minds.
Thank you for your attention!

P.S. Don't hesitate to contact me in skype or any other way. team will be pleased to provide you with top offers and assistance on the way to successful case

Skype: live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9
Case study - Black Snake Oil Turkey. $14000 on Facebook

Always topical classic - earning $ 14,000 on enlargement in Turkey


Dates: 13.04.20 - present
Spent: $13,2K
Revenue: $27,5K
Profit: ~$14K
ROI: ~100%
Source: FB
Affiliate network:
Offer: Black Snake Super Set
GEO: Turkey

Good afternoon, the JLIGA team is with you:)

Over the past six months, we have successfully delivered traffic to dating offers. However, because of the pandemic, the volumes sank drastically. Therefore, we began to test other verticals, one of which was the health & beauty niche.

Our manager at suggested us to try nutra on Turkey, but we were confused by the small payout and low approval rate. Reluctantly, we nevertheless decided and were very surprised.

Prelanding and landing were advised to us by a manager:

And landing (id 10342):



We are delivering traffic from usual automatically registered Facebook Accounts which are connected to Business Manager. Sometimes we are using personal accounts. 50% of them are banned immediately, this is why we focused on maximizing the number of accounts.

Instead of cloaking, we use the Yandex Turbo pages.


In the first three weeks of promoting the price for the lead was in the range of 0.2-0.5 cents, now it is increased to about $ 1.


We didn’t have to come up with anything complicated for creatives. These ones worked perfectly:

Stats from account:

Figures for the first days of the promotion:


At first, we delivered traffic without a cap. But in the process of promotion, the advertiser wasn’t able to face the approval rate impose restrictions. The funnel is still active.

Statistics for a month and a half:


Facebook stats:

Let me remind you that we use consumable accounts, so I apply couple of the last screenshots:





Comments from team: If the current situation painfully affected your main working vertical, then do not give up

It is always worth trying something new. JLIGA are great fellows who were ready to experiment. For our part, we thank them for their trust and this wonderful case study!

Register in and start delivering traffic with us. We will select the best offer for you, give all the necessary advice so that you also earn and are happy with the result


Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels

Skype: live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

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Top GEO is back to dr. cash

India is with us again and it rocks


Available cap - 3000 leads daily

Approval rate guarantee is available for FB and adult traffic


19077 Hammer of thor Gold
18330 Spartin
18507 Herbal Capsule
18278 Hummer of Thor

Weight loss:

18536 Keto Guru
19035 Keto SlimFit CPL

Hurry up, the cap will be gone in a few hours

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

Join our special channels to keep hot news under the radar:

Nutra - Nutra Affiliate Community
Adult - Adult Affiliate Community
Social - Social Affiliate Community
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Dear friends, please meet the next update of the platform.


Our goal is to make the start in the vertical simple and inexpensive, and also make the daily work more profitable, comfortable and scalable.
How everyone makes money now? What geo, offers, or bundles are rocking today? Affiliates can find answers to these questions in a few minutes on our new platform.

#1 Dashboard

Top offers of the week/month and promising new products - the ratings are compiled with honest indicators of lead volume and approval rate. The focus is on an automatic feed of events that reflects what is happening in the affiliate network: starting and stopping offers, adding landings and pre-landings, changing bids or announcing important news.

#2 Popularity


Each offer, landing page or pre-landing page is assigned a popularity indicator, which is based on the volume of leads for the last 30 days. Use shared data for personal enrichment!

#3 Offers selections

The head of the affiliate service weekly updates thematic collections with offers. Inside you can find exclusively working offers with clear advantages. Today you have access to:

4# Affiliate backing

A beta service for financing media buyers is released. For those who wish to increase volumes or build a team, we provide funds, organizing help, as well as share our expertise in processes structuring. In return, we take 40-50% of the profit. Condition: proven good practice in affiliate marketing. You can join the program by an application on the landing page: we check the proofs, we answer quickly.

#5 New Telegram channel policy

There will be no more offer suggestions. Novelties or lists of top offers are always available on in real-time.
The channels publish only what is worth paying attention to everyone, what you can earn by right now. The tastiest business opportunities within the affiliate program. Follow @drcashglobal so you don't miss out.

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

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Rock-solid funnels for adult for small and big budgets


Dear friends! For those who don't do FB or tired of fighting with bans, we recommend a couple of adult funnels with an excellent conversion. There are two GEOs to choose from Tai for big budgets, Cambodia for small ones.

18489 M-Power - TH - 42% - $25
Landing - pre-landing: 14923

19119 LongeX - TH - new% - $28
Landing - pre-landing: 14924

19105 - LongeX - KH - 28% - $6
Landing 14900 > pre-landing 14898

19103 - M-Power - KH - 35% - $6
Landing 14747 > pre-landing 14748

Traffic sources: ExoClick, TrafficJunky, datspush, Push.House

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
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Social - Social Affiliate Community

4 ready-made adult funnels for India that everyone using today

India is one of the simpliest and most profitable GEOs so far. Some pros of working with India:

✅ There is an infinite amount of traffic
✅ Leads are very easy and cheap to get
✅ You need a minimum budget to start
You can scale up to thousands of leads per day and earn good money (in (Case 1, Case 2)
Approval rate guarantees are available (in

How start:
Traffic is delivered directly to Pre-landing-landing. We recommend 2 options to choose from: adult and light

18982 - Big Jack - AR 10% + $4
L: 13942, 13941

17523 - Thor - AR 8% - $4
L: 15015, 15016

18468 - ManCare - AR 12% - $4
L: 15017, 15018

19130 - Spartin (With Address) - AR 15% (gar) - $4
L: 14913, 14912

Which traffic sources are used:
- Facebook (AR guarantee for approval)
- Adult sources: exoclick, trafficjunky (AR guarantee for approval)
- Push: datspush, pushouse (no AR guarantee)

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

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Poland is on a roll again +$20,888 profit on weight loss

What you need to know before reading this case study:

1) There are 4 more PL weight loss offers with very favorable conditions and
working funnels in Information at the end of the post.

2) Right now, the packaging is being tested for two of them. The last test in Poland showed + 29% (
CR 3.55% → 5.02%) to conversion, and the previous approach (in Thailand) gave + 53% (CR 2.11 % → 3.40%). Expect a funnel update very soon, we take care of your profit growth.

3)You can discuss the case study in the nutra affiliate community in telegram. In honor of the opening, we are giving away $ 1000 among the participants!

Dates: 5.04.20 - 10.06.2020
Spent: $20,000
Revenue: $40,888
Profit: $20,888
ROI: ~100%
Source: FB
Affiliate network:
Offer: 18180 — Weight manager
GEO: Poland

Hello everyone, my name is Andrey!

To begin with, I'll tell you a little about myself and my collaboration with I started affiliate marketing about a year ago, got a job as a programmer in a team. Gradually, I changed different teams, gained experience, and, finally, my friend and I created our own team. The actual question arose - who to work with?
And the choice almost immediately fell on The first argument was that the very first team I came to worked with this particular affiliate network, so I knew them quite well. The second argument came from the first - knowing well, I understood that I could count on good conditions and could be sure of them.
Everything has been confirmed, and now, whenever I find a good offer, I definitely try to work on it through
In the process of working, I came across another important advantage - fast and frequent payments, up to several times a day. Very often all the money is in circulation, but more is urgently needed. The guys from have always met halfway in this regard.

Let's get back to the case, can't wait to share the details

We didn't have the opportunity to run many tests, so we decided to start with offers that were balanced in terms of popularity / low cost. At that time, Weight Manager for Poland was not particularly in the top, but it seemed very interesting, and we decided to try it.

We chose the widest target - women 30+

Then the pre-landing from the affiliate network (12384) was improved, even before the start of the traffic. Based on my experience, I decided to put more emphasis on the order form, making it more attractive and visible.


I've tested quite a few creatives. The first three turned out to be successful, while the last three showed good results for the first couple of days, and then conversion declined a lot.




And a few unsuccessful ones:




Stats from account and description



Now there will be a lot of text and figures

A small introduction. The statistics from the tracker didn’t pan out - at the moment when we realized that we were ready to share the case study, we demolished and re-installed it several times.
The similar situation was with the statistics from FB. We didn’t make screenshots during launching a very large number of accounts and almost every one of them was performing well, average ROI usually was 100%.


At the very beginning of the campaign, when the quarantine had just begun, the CPM rates were not very good - $ 3-4 with a pre-landing CR of 20%. The situation gradually leveled off, CPM became $ 4-6 with a click cost of 0.02 - 0.05.

Now more about accounts. We launched a lot of them. The reason was simple - we started delivering traffic from personal and trusted Polish accounts and BMs. However, after a while, Facebook stopped giving the opportunity to create Polish accounts, and the purchase became unreasonably expensive. Therefore, we have gathered many different Russian accounts: auto-registered/bruted / logs. This is not to say that we chose the best, we just delivered traffic from each of them.

I was very pleased with the approval for this offer - it was stable at 65% and with a payout $ 24.5 we managed to get good money.

At another moment we encountered a not very pleasant situation: due to a failure, the leads did not reach the affiliate program. We were very worried, therefore, based on their personal experience, other affiliate networks often found excuses not to pay compensation. In this case, compensated our expenses without question and even added over this.

The traffic was filtered by binomo with a set of standard filters such as geo, device, referrer, etc.
There is not much to say about moderation, we were starting campaigns at 8-8:30 am local time in Poland and everything managed to pass moderation.

Conclusions and tips for the campaign

We hope that we helped many women in Poland become slim and fit

But seriously, I once again made sure that dr cash is a top affiliate program that generously approves at good payouts.
It should be noted the work of the manager, who has already become a friend to us, he solves all issues promptly, there are no problems with payments at any time.
The offer is still working, and if it weren't for the problems that FB created for us, we would have continued to deliver traffic in the same way and even more

Where to deliver traffic if you want to achieve the same

There is no question any longer why to work with Poland. There is a question - why not all of us are already doing this!? Excellent approval rate + excellent conversion + brand-new product packages from = stable profit. Further offers and funnels that we recommend:

18892 - Dr. Peniman (potency / enlargement) - PL - 64% - $ 22
1) Landing: 14296 →pre-landing: 14157
2) Landing page: 14775

18748 - A-Cardin (hypertension) - PL - 68% - $ 22
1) Landing page: 14762

18890 - Diabetins (diabetes) - PL - 64% - $ 21
1) Landing page: 14866

18957 Moring Slim (weight loss) - PL - 50% - $ 23

Join our international community so that we can earn money together.

Discussion of the case study (+ $1k giveaway)

You can discuss the case with its authors in the telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Official opening: 01.09.20
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

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Nutra - Nutra Affiliate Community
Adult - Adult Affiliate Community
Social - Social Affiliate Community

Where to drive traffic? (solved ✅)

Promising offers starting to take off in a new selection from managers


India only again. Current offer ratings and all new items are now available in the dashboard. However, there are a number of promising offers and bundles that are not so obvious. The best of them for today were compiled to a selection:

Choice of managers ♥️
18404 - T-chrome - slimming - COD - [TH] - 53% - $ 30
Why work with: the top 1 weight loss in Thailand got an upgrade of a package from The test results showed + 51% CR on the new version. The possibility to use a new pack will be available after August 15th. We recommend booking your cap in advance.

18890 - Diabetins - Diabetes - COD - [PL] - 64% - $ 21
Why work with: good volumes = good ROI. The guys are driving traffic using a working funnel with a stable approval rate: pre-landing/landing id14866. Cap is still available.

19131 - AlphaMax gel - enlargement - COD - [ID] - 40% - $ 11
Why work with: Classic adult. Working funnel: pre-landing: id15030 → landing id15028

19049 - Bioseefit - Eyesight - COD - [ID] - 70% - $ 15
Why work with: Approval rate 70%, working funnel with the good conversion. Niche with broad coverage. Drive traffic to pre-landing/landing: id14457

18183 - Lordliness - enlargement - COD - [PL] - 74% - $ 21
Why work with: an exceptional approval for the enlargement. Poland rocks. Inside there is everything for work. Funnel: pre-landing id14297 → landing id14298

18901 - ALPHA TESTO ME - Potency - Trial - [CA] - 100% - $ 38
Why work with: our top trial at the moment. Responsive landing page and latest packaging. The advertiser accepts thousands of leads that it is ROI is very pleasant. Our publishers are also starting to get interested. We only open it for experienced.

19096 - Uri Care - Cystitis - COD - [PL] - 84% - $ 21
Why work with: an unprecedented approval rate. An offbeat niche with a good funnel. Broad target audience. Who worked with urination in the teaser nets knows what the CTR is. The process is via a pre-landing with the form: id14918

18995 - EVA - Weight loss - COD - [ES] - 42% - $ 24
Why work with: Weight loss with a working funnel and decent terms (easy bump). Recommended pre-landing/landing: id15010

Join our international community so that we can earn money together.

Discussion of the case study (+ $1k giveaway)

You can discuss the case with its authors in the telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Official opening: 01.09.20
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

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Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

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Nutra - Nutra Affiliate Community
Adult - Adult Affiliate Community
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5 offers of the week that will make you to work with them over the weekend (+ funnels)

19169 - Weight manager EXCL - PL - 74% - $ 22
The top (we are talking about three-digit numbers per day) weight loss in Poland received a package upgrade. The result on the tests: + 64% to conversion. CR (original) = 1.81% -> CR (new) = 2.97%. You can try a chic offer with a new conversion only in Work with pre-landing-landing id15087

19112 - Biolife Keto - Trial - FR - 100% - $ 26 + $ 26
One of the most popular FR diet trials. Two steps: Trial + Upsell. Check the spy services: it is everywhere. Work with native and FB. FB pixel is working for conversion, we pass ID to SUB5. Cap is available. But check before starting: you need to book. Your manager will share funnel with you

19150 - Big Jack FB - COD - IN - 15% - $ 4
Excellent enhancement with 15% approval guarantee. FB traffic is welcomed only, you need to make up to 1000 leads/day. Deliver to pre-landing-landing id15023

18908 - HEART KEEP - COD - PH - 53% - $ 8
Does everyone know what the Philippines is doing now? According to the volumes, they fill the websites with excellent ROI. Who is dealing with them notes the simplicity of the FB moderation in this GEO. We now have the opportunity to accept 3-5 hundred hypertension leads more per day We recommend joining in. There is a funnel: deliver to pre-landing-landing id15036

15031 - Slim4vit - COD - IT - 46% - $ 35
The first step to private CPL offer Weight Loss in Italy. Keen on quality - doors are open, profit is made nice and easy for approval. Use pre-landing-landing id15007> landing id1933

Join our international community so that we can earn money together.

Discussion of the case study (+ $1k giveaway)

You can discuss the case with its authors in the telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Official opening: 01.09.20
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

Join our special channels to keep hot news under the radar:

Nutra - Nutra Affiliate Community
Adult - Adult Affiliate Community
Social - Social Affiliate Community

CPL in India + increase in caps (with approval guarantee)

Friends, we now have the opportunity to accept large amounts (up to 10k daily) in India with the approval guarantee. We recommend you:

19077 - HoT Gold - IN - 13% - $4/$5
Approval guarantee: FB: 13%, adult: 9%, push: 6%
Drive traffic to landing-prelanding: 14634, 14633

19130 - Spartin With Address - IN - 12% - $4/$5
Approval guarantee: FB: 15%
Work with landing-prelanding: 14913, 14912

19176 - Keto Guru CPL - IN - 100% - $1,6+
Excellent CPL rate
Use the landing-prelanding: 15105

Join our international community so that we can earn money together.

Discussion of the case study (+ $1k giveaway)

You can discuss the case with its authors in the telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Official opening: 01.09.20
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

Join our special channels to keep hot news under the radar:

Nutra - Nutra Affiliate Community
Adult - Adult Affiliate Community
Social - Social Affiliate Community

Philippines on the roll!


A selection for one of the most stable geo - profit is provided, you just need to start promoting!

19693 - Сardioton - COD - [PH] - 40% - 12 usd
19273 - Lipid Zero - COD - [PH] - 60% - 13 usd
19092 - Money Amulet - COD - [PH] - 30% - 10.5 usd
19486 - Vigorense - COD - [PH] - 34% - 7.5 usd
19553 - Flexibility - COD - [PH] - 45% - 11 usd
18941 - Organic TeaTox Detox - COD - [PH] - 60% - 10 usd

You can discuss the offers and funnels in the telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

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Case-study: +$79,834 profit and ROI 160%

Hello, team is here

As we worked with, we got a certain reputation here and the offer Slim4vit Italy was opened for us on the CPL model. We were very happy because this model is becoming more interesting and transparent to work with. The vertical of weight loss, in general, is close to us, from the very start of our work, when we started with a partner together, we often did just that.
At the time of the CPL opening, we already had a good funnel. We immediately integrated it and started the process. On the very first day, we managed to reach + 100% ROI.

Detailed analysis of the campaign

After a quick introduction, let's move on to the numbers:
  • Dates: 10.07.2020 - 24.09.2020
  • Spent: $50,000
  • Revenue: $129,834
  • Profit: $79,834
  • ROI: ~160%
  • Source: FB
  • Affiliate network:
  • Offer: 19045 — Slim4vit — CPL — IT
  • GEO: Italy

Facebook was chosen as the source of traffic, the audience was tuned to a wide audience, women 30+.
The funnel with which we managed to achieve a good conversion:


For ads, we carefully studied the service for the fact that works now for weight loss. After going through all the options, we came to such a system - based on the ads from adheart, we made our own.

Initially, the approach worked well with a doctor in the frame and some liquid in a glass, then celebrity nutritionists, and, in the end, an approach with a happy mother with a child with a beautiful shape came in.

Examples of successful ads

CTR - 10 % CPC - 0,09 $


CTR - 7 % CPC - 0,10 $


CTR - 6,5 % CPC - 0,11 $


CTR - 8 % CPC - 0,10 $


CTR - 15 % CPC - 0,06 $


CTR - 13 % CPC - 0,05(0,07) $

We usually observed drawdowns with ads within a few days:
  • The first day - the click began to rise in price;
  • The second day is the maximum cost;
  • Further - turning off the ad, there is no reason to continue

    The successful ad is one that provides clicks on average over 4-5 days


Latest Facebook ads statistics:


On average, the price per lead was in the range of $ 2.0 - $ 3.5 with a payment of $ 13 CPL.

Tracker stats:

Conversion - 1 x 80 stats:


Of course, there were bans. No matter how easy and beautiful everything seemed, we had moments when, for example, the white page or the domain was banned.
To consistently deliver traffic, we needed to make several different white-pages in advance, and they need to be tested before the process. Otherwise, there is a risk of a massive ban of these links, as well as a bunch of pre-prepared domains.
There are some more observations on white pages: one-page (simple sites without functionality) in most cases do not pass moderation. I recommend creating minimal functionality + a few pages - for example, with a feedback form.

It seems to me that the volumes of this case speak for themselves

We have been working with the guys for a long time, we have not noticed any delays on their part.
Payments are promptly credited, good offers are opened upon request.
We will be glad to continue our fruitful cooperation.

You can discuss the offers and case study in the telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

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Flying start with hypertension - interesting geos with outstanding profit


Hypertension is one of the most efficient niches for earning. We chose those geos where you can get profit even faster!

19682 - Giperium - COD - [IR] - 25% - 6.5 usd
19308 - Rhythmengix - COD - [CO] - 30% - 11.00 usd
19422 - HEART KEEP - COD - [KE] - 50% - 6.5 usd
19369 - Giperium - COD - [EG] - 33% - 6 usd
19118 - Normalife - COD - [ID] - 61.54% - 16 usd
18748 - A-Cardin - COD - [PL] - 60.23% - 22 usd
19693 - Сardioton - COD - [PH] - 40% - 12 usd
19287 - Giperium - COD - [PK] - 32% - 7,5 usd
19479 - Giperium - COD - [LK] - 31% - 6 usd

Bumps are available for each offer under the conditions. Managers have the details

You can discuss the offers and case study in the telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

Top 5 - best CPL offers for India


The first 4 are Facebook only. Wide caps and no need to care about approval rate:

19710 - Spartin FB CPL - COD - [IN] - $0.95
19698 - Big Jack FB CPL - COD - [IN] - $0.95
19637 - SlimFit Pro CPL - COD - [IN] - $2.5
19602 - Keto Guru FB CPL - COD - [IN] - $2.5

And also an excellent offer for adult sources. With all the benefits of CPL:

19402 - Big Jack CPL - COD - [IN] - $0.7

You can discuss the offers and funnels in the official telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

Turkish competition “Magnificent ROI“ (announcement)


Dear friends, in cooperation with Advertiser #1 in Turkey, we are announcing the “Magnificent ROI” competition

The timing⏱:
February 1 - March 31
Draw: April 10 live

How to win:
Promote offers in TR geo, for every $1000 revenue you get 1 ticket. The more tickets you have, the more chances you have to get prizes.

- Macbook Pro 13' (M1)
- iPhone 12 Pro 256gb
- 1 Ethereum (EHT)
- iPad Air 256 + cellular
- Sony PlayStation 5
- AirPods Max
- Binom License (12 month)
- Roborock S6 MaxV Robot Vacuum Cleaner
- Apple Watch Series 6
- AirPods Pro

The table of applicants will be published 4 times during the competition and 1 time in the final: 04/10/2021

What to promote:

All Turkey geo offers participate. Up-to-date working funnels have been added to each offer.

Special rules⚠️:
Prizes are drawn in turns from Macbook Pro 13' to AirPods Pro
You win as often as your ticket drops: unlimited prizes can be claimed media buying team participation: allowed
For every $ 1000 revenue from Turkey geo offers in the period 01/02/21 - 31/03/21, 1 ticket is credited, tables with preliminary results are published: 06/02, 20/02, 13/03, 27/03, with final results 10/04

You can discuss the offers and funnels in the official telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

Last edited:
Turkish competition "Magnificent ROI" has started!


Friends, February 1st is the first day of the “Magnificent ROI” competition

From February 1st to March 31st, you compete for an impressive list of prizes. You can pick up an unlimited number of prizes - the main thing is to comply with the terms of the competition!

All Turkey geo offers participate. For every $1000 revenue, you get 1 ticket. The more tickets you have, the more chances you have to get prizes.

Тables with preliminary results are published: 06/02, 20/02, 13/03, 27/03, with final results - 10/04

Up-to-date funnels:
Full rules:

You can discuss the offers and funnels in the official telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9

Huge demand in unusual geo


There is huge need for the enlargement in Iraq

We keep our finger on the pulse and share the best offers for quick money on the trend:

19771 - Brasillian Spider Super Set IQ - [IQ] - 20% - $4.5
19476 - Maral Gel - COD - [IQ] - 20% - $4.5

❗️Please note - cap is limited due to increased demand, so hurry up

You can discuss the offers and funnels in the official telegram community:

Nutra Affiliate Community (en)

  • Quick help for beginners
  • Attractive case studies for motivation
  • Exclusive bonuses from partners and lotteries $$$$$
  • Sweet moderators (job)
  • Subscribe to our channel in telegram: @drcash

Contact me to reach our top offers and funnels
Skype live:.cid.9d6a1eb626f893d9
