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Duplicate Content Detailed Analysis - After the Panda Update

Linda Buquet

New Member
Super in-depth article about Duplicate Content by Dr. Pete at SEOmoz.

<a href="">Duplicate Content in a Post-Panda World</a>

While it?s true that Panda didn?t change everything about SEO, I think it has been a wake-up call about SEO issues we?ve been ignoring for too long.

One of those issues is duplicate content. While duplicate content as an SEO problem has been around for years, the way Google handles it has evolved dramatically and seems to only get more complicated with every update. Panda has upped the ante even more.

So, I thought it was a good time to cover the topic of duplicate content, as it stands in 2011, in depth. This is designed to be a comprehensive resource ? a complete discussion of what duplicate content is, how it happens, how to diagnose it, and how to fix it. Maybe we?ll even round up a few rogue pandas along the way.
It's a really good article. It give an accurate perpsective of Googles outlook on duplicate content and how it affects your overall SEO.
Many thanks for sharing.
This is a good post; very informative. Duplicate content is never supported by Google. If someone is posting dubmicate content, it is plagearism. Importance is always given to new and unique content with the right use of keywords.
Great article. However, Forums are full of people who seem to be doing everything that google ask and are still being hit. It would seem that the Panda updates are hit and miss. If Google would only be more transparent.