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E-Book Inquiry


New Member
This is my first post and I am new to Affiliate Marketing.I was thinking of buying Affiliate Secret Formula by Mohammed Ali.Has anyone read this book? Is it any good?
I see that it promises to tell you how to make $1470 weekly in 20 Minutes a day.

I have never read that particular ebook so I can't specifically talk about it. However I will talk about ebooks in general, especially in relation to newbies.

People often get involved in all of this with very big dreams. Often they are attracted to it because of something they have seen which makes them believe that they can do just a little work and shortly they will have more money than they know what to do with.

It almost never is that easy. It usually takes time and a little hard work. It often takes making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. You shouldn't expect quick results and give up after a few weeks or even a few months if things aren't the way you want them to be.

I would tell a person who is new not to spend a penny on any ebook. Instead they should learn as much as possible for free. It can be done and I will tell you how.

A tragic thing is that often a newbie will buy ebooks that promise them quick wealth then these newbies end up trying to sell these same type of ebooks to other newbies.

It is sometimes difficult to get someone just getting started to believe that things aren't as easy as some of these ebooks want to make them believe. That is because they so badly want it to be true.

You are doing the right thing by asking before you buy and my answer would be the same no matter what ebook you were considering buying.

You have posted in our Newbie Affiliate Forum, so you are already in the right place. What you should do is try to read as much of what is here as you possibly can. You will learn a lot and it won't cost you a penny.

There are many threads that are marked "Sticky." Try to read all of them. It will take time and it will be worth it. Then try to read as many of the other threads as you can.

If you devote time to doing that, you will learn a lot that will help you know what to do and what not to do. You will learn some mistakes to avoid. You will have some good ideas that will benefit you.

You can also ask questions. Our members are friendly as well as helpful. We have members who are new to all of this. We have many members who have several years of experience. We have members in between.

The simple fact is you can ask questions and not pay a penny to get good answers.

I hope you will do a lot of reading here in the Newbie Affiliate Forum. As you are reading try to notice the answers that have been given to the questions just to give yourself an idea as to how helpful our members can be.

I have told you the truth. The truth might not sound as exciting as a promise that you will make thousands of dollars a second while you are sleeping. But knowing the truth is going to make it a lot easier for you to be successful.
Hi Larwee that was a really honest and informative reply, and will certainly take your advice and do lots of reading and asking questions, found your site by mistake! Best mistake I`ve made, speak to you soon. Thanks All.
Thanks magnet.

There is plenty here for you to read. Never hesitate to ask questions. That is why we are here.
I did not pay for my e-book--got it free

I am really new to all this, BUT I have done tons and tons of research, I almost paid for e-books many times but I was always very wary of the "get rich while you sleep" and "make millions..." and such gimmicks.

I came across a fantastic e-book by Jeremy Palmer on It's FREE and simple to read and best of all completely REALISTIC ---talks often of the hard work entailed in Affiliate Marketing. It is an invaluable HOW TO made simple.

I also found this forum as a result of reading that e-book and have found an abundance of info here --FOR FREE.

Hope that helps