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e-mail Submit from Peerfly/7search


New Member
1. Short list - top 25 e-mail/zip submits
2. xxx-xxxx monthly search results
3. Maximum bid - $0.07 or less
4. 50-100 keywords

Cost: $26.85
Made: $23.40
Net Loss: -$3.45
Clicks: x
Conversions: x

Clicks: 358 unique; 595 raw
Conversions: 18
Conversion Rate: 5.03%
EPC: $0.07

Start date: 28/10/12
Finish date: 01/11/12 (offer pulled)

The offer was pulled 4 days after I started my campaign, so I don't know if there's enough data to draw any conclusions. I didn't get as far as removing bad sub i.d.'s - none of the sub I.D.'s got 100 clicks. The offer was a Home Depot Gift Card. Here's a link to the Peerfly report:
Not bad at all, why did you pull the offer? Block the ips and ask for a bigger payout and your already winning - then gather data.
Yeah, unfortunately that offer went down. I've asked a few of our other email submit clients to get us a new Home Depot offer up because we were doing pretty well with the one that went down. Here is the one we currently have up:
home depot offers
You'd think they'd give you some notice.

In future I'll have at least one replacement offer in case this happens again.
it's worth having or at least testing with our $1 deal.

Pretty nice piece of kit but i would encourage your network to use it and come to me for discount!
Although I did not retain my data on my experience with CPA offers on 7search, I generally found that it is not difficult to find conversions on zip/email submit offers in 7search.But the quality of clicks is generally dismal. You normally will find, if you have good keywords, high click-through rate with LOW conversion rate. I had experimented with a number of peerfly zip/email submit offers on 7search - ROI was negative because of low conversion rate. I contacted 7search complaining poor quality of clicks. They screened out some bad partners and refunded some money. But it did not improve my conversion rate, but rather lowered the click-through rate. I am on look out for a good PPC ad network( excluding google adwords and MS adcenter). Any good advice is welcome.
Yes, I also have tried 7search many months ago and found traffic to be quite bad, I think many virus infections where they redirects through sites make monies sending on 7search networks that could be why... Curious if you used lead tracking softwares to see about this???

I am really surprised you almost had profitable campaign honestly, when I tried 7search I almost got really not 1 conversion....

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