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Seeking Help Easy To Scale Business

Hello you wonderful and intelligent people that make up this forum. I sincerely hope you are doing well and keeping positive.

I was kindly wondering about a business idea that was easy to scale, for instance not requiring alot of extra infrastructure or staff when it is growing. I was thinking of something on the lines of an eBook based site that could be automated, if anyone could please share any other ideas it would mean the world to me. If anyone kindly had any thoughts on a business structure that was easy to scale, or possibly even automate, i would be very thankful and grateful it would be highly appreciated.

Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly wish you all the very best with your future business endeavours. Hope you are having a lovely week. Take care.
Scaling a business' revenues, is more or less: doing more with the same schema with less expense.

Growth vs. Scaling Explained reasonable explanation.

A link via (AI) Bard :D

White label dating using affiliates to scale with CPA --I see a lot of that around here.

Better utilizing advertising with multiple offers.

In theory, you can scale your business with an email marketing presence however it is not that easy to build a substantial email list on your own.

TJ mentioned Joe Girard, the legendary car salesman. What they do not mention about him:
Birddogs, Pepsi, and the Law of 250: The Story of Joe Girard
17 May 2022 Joe claimed that one out of every three car sales he made was thanks to one of his "bird dogs." ‍

Joe Girard may be the Granddaddy of Scaling from 1960

You need to have a demand product with a good sized Total Addressable Market (TAM). The easiest product to scale is a distributive product in a growing market --that is also the hardest situation to find --not easy.
Thank you very much for your helpful and kind response Graybeard, you are a wonderful person, thanks for your help with this.

I suppose White Label Dating and then promoting by CPA offers, makes sense as essentially you are paying when a member signs up and pays for a subscription on your site. All the website hosting and website management is taken care of for you. However, it seems to be getting really competitive, so you might be needing better marketing strategy's or offer something a bit more unique. I really like the idea of growing with email marketing also, that is very kind of you to leave your thoughts.

I also appreciate your thoughts you need a demand product with a good sized Total Addressable Market (TAM), thanks for being a wonderful and helpful person. You are the best person on this forum, i have a few ideas to think about now. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day and good luck with your future projects Graybeard. With my every best wishes.