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Editing Article Titles @ eZineArticles?

King Conga

Active Member
I've been studying how Squidoo works quite intensely for the past couple of days, and decided that I really needed to change the title of my articles for much stronger keyword strength than the title that I used at Unfortunately, eZine wouldn't let me edit my title, but the thought just occurred to me, do I actually need to change the title at eZine in order to change the Squidoo title in terms of how the back links work?

Got my answer. Wasn't what I wanted....but....

Just to share, unless you are trying to rank a piece of content on the net, there really is no reason to fret over the title.

If you want to rank a Squidoo lens for a certain keyword it certainly helps to have the keyword in your title. Makes it easier. And if you use low competition keywords along with a good title, you can sometimes rank very fast.

But it is also very possible to rank for keywords even when it is not in your title.

For backlinks, the key is to have your keyword as your anchor text. And it helps to have a variety. So use your keyword and related ones.
Ezine is excellent - dont try to oversell, they wont let you - write a simple article - dont overdo your keywords - They have to flow naturally and google respects them for being so tough with their writers - seems tough on you, but they really get results
Ezine is excellent - dont try to oversell, they wont let you - write a simple article - dont overdo your keywords - They have to flow naturally and google respects them for being so tough with their writers - seems tough on you, but they really get results

Used to get results. Google has slammed EZA hard and the site is not doing anywhere near as well as it once was.

Still good for a backlink, but don't count on EZA articles to rise to the top of Google like they once easily did.