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Ask Me Anything Email List Cleaning


Service Manager
Service Manager
Hey Guys, my name is Devin and I work with a new email data hygiene and analytics platform called VeriAS. If anyone has and questions about basic data hygiene, filtering hard bounces, spam traps, complainers, etc let me know how I can help.

I also can help you analyze your data with information like activity, whether or not the address has a social media linked to it, geo location, and more. I provide a full breakdown report of your data as well as separate your data into separate files based on the quality of it.

Let me know if anyone has anything I may be able to help them with.
K, This is really just a matter of opinion and would depend on the frequency that your mailing to them but I would remove them after 3 months of frequent mailing.
Seems to be a very good service especially to the people who are doing email marketing. I am so much concerned to get to know about the pricing of the services, I will have a look and see whether we can be able to strike some deal. I have some concerns about the things that I need to know in regards to the cleaning of my list. Once I combine all the questions and going through your website, I will get in touch.
Devin, I'm interested in your claim regarding spam traps. Would you mind sending me a PM about your technique? Just general terms if you're not allowed to tell me exactly. Just recently had a client hitting a few spam traps and wanted to find out a bit more about your cleaning process.
In short yes, we have a large log of know spam traps that we use to filter. We also use real-time verification to "ping" the domain to ensure it will not hard bounce. This will help with inboxing on the tlds.

Add me on Skype and Ill give you some recommendations on ESPs. devin.gomez11