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Empty ZoneId on Bemob


New Member
Hello, everyone. Please HELP!

I track my push ads on Properller ads with Bemob, and I have noticed that at least 90% of my clicks come EXCLUSIVELY from an Unknown/Empty ZoneID. Not exactly sure why this is, but that's how it is.

Aside that, the other known ZoneIDs are just fine. The number of visits is almost about 90% similar to that of the unique visits - as it should. So, I'm now looking for a way to filter out the culprit - the Empty ZoneID. Anyone with any suggestion on how I can get that done is welcome. Thanks.
I have seen blank represented as [siteid] or a 0 --in one case * before but never a just empty where a token is set correctly to insert the value
siteid={siteid} or similar
Conatact Propeller support they can check on their end if the correct value is being sent. Since the other sites are appearing on the SAME? campaign the problem is on that end.
The other remote possible is that a prohibited character is in the value and the whole value is regexed out by the server or the bemob program,

read your webserver log
access.log and maybe the error.log to see why (maybe)
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to me. I have checked my links over and over again but no luck so I contacted the Bemob support and they told me to remove the LP pixel I installed. She said it was the reason for but I did remove it and the issue was not solved.
Then Propeller is the problem *they are shooting blanks*

Read Your Server Logs to See IF There is an ID --That is the Only Truth
Tools are for Fools.

You can't track a site for quality when there is no ID nor be able to blacklist it.
I would confront them on that issue.
Hey, everyone!
"Empty Zone ID" has been fixed. I don't know what in particular worked, but I did 2 things.
(1) I turned on the bot detection feature on Bemob and
(2) I deleted all scripts and pixels on my landing pages and I created entirely new landing pages.

NB: If you use Bemob, don't generate pixel tracking (script) for your landing page if you use traffic sources such as Propellerads, Zeropark, and the like. The pixel tracking is meant for search ads (Bing, Google, etc.)
NB: If you use Bemob, don't generate pixel tracking (script) for your landing page if you use traffic sources such as Propellerads, Zeropark, and the like. The pixel tracking is meant for search ads (Bing, Google, etc.)
That is good to know, hope they fix this.
(2) I deleted all scripts and pixels on my landing pages and I created entirely new landing pages.
You may have had a script conflict causing that.
Or, the key(name)and the value{token} (ex) &CampaignID={campid} were incorrect.

Seems rather extreme to have to remake all the landing pages.
Anyway it works ...