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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Entry Level Industry Related Position


New Member
Hey guys! I'm taking my first steps in the business and I'm currently learning a lot about the performance marketing, mainly from blogs and this beautiful forum. I'm saving money for ads and tests and as soon as I have my $1000 saved I'm planning to start the business for real. The thing is, I had to resign from my previous job and now I'm thinking about finding a position that could be helpful in my future marketing endavours. I see one entry level position for the affiliate manager - it doesn't pay great but maybe this is something I could go for to learn some about the business? What other job positions could be useful for the future marketer? I have experience in SEO and Copywriting. Do you have any ideas?
Hey Graybeard, thank you for the reply, English isn't my first language, so probably I wasn't understood well ;) What I'm asking is what job would you aim for, knowing that in the future you want to resign from it and do the CPA marketing only. Is there any concrete occupation that comes to your mind which could improve my affiliate skillset?
Learn to code basic landing pages.
Learn basic affiliate skills like setting up trackers and optimizing ad campaigns.
After you have succeeded making $5,000.00 as an affiliate then the Networks may be interested in hiring you.
Prior successful sales experience is a big+

Affiliates that are experienced can see right through a "green-horn" AM talkin' trash (at least I can :))