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Nutra niche with stable demand in all seasons

We continue the Nutra Niche to Start section, which discusses comfortable and stable categories of Nutra offers. Today's turn - remedy for normalizing blood sugar.

This is a stable and comfortable category of offers that will delight you with excellent demand in any season and high payouts. Especially after reading our article where we:
  • considered their advantages, disadvantages, and features of the niche
  • talked about opportunities with Everad offers
  • collected promotion tips for different regions. It’s essential to read them before developing a funnel.
Contat your Everad manager, ask for materials for traffic running and prepare your strategy for winning Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class or Porsche Carrera T in The Wolf of Everad!
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New rubric in Everad "Emotions of the winners"

Running traffic to get a car in The Wolf of Everad? It is interesting to know who took the main prizes in last competitions? In a new section, we will show you the reviews and emotions of the winners of past years!

Go to our instagram and see the feedback from the guys who took the Range Rover Vogue in the Fast Lane race in 2021.

A good example is contagious, so get inspired and choose which baby will be yours: Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class or Porsche Carrera T!


Get profit in summer with top seasonal nutra offers

If this summer you are going to work hard, then this material is for you! Let’s talk about offers that are relevant for work. We have no doubt that this compilation will be especially useful for affiliates who run traffic in The Wolf of Everad Contest.

Let’s go!

Leg veins health

Top geo: Croatia and Slovenia
Payouts: up to $38, Approve: ≈47%
TA: F M 40+
Why it converts well in summer: In the season of shorts, dresses, and short clothes, the appearance of the legs is especially worrisome for women. An active lifestyle, a heavy load on the legs – is also the main reason for the popularity of the niche.
Sources: Facebook, Google, natives, teaser networks
Approaches: medical article, personal blog

Parasitic infection

Top geo: Czech Republic
Payouts: up to $40, Approve: ≈50%
TA: F M 40+
Why it converts well in the summer: in hot weather, food spoils quickly, and intestinal infections multiply tremendously. Due to this, poisoning in the summer is a frequent occurrence that has unpleasant consequences for the body in the form of parasites.
Sources: Facebook, Google, natives, teaser networks
Approaches: medical article, personal blog

Normalizing blood sugar

Top geo: Hungary, Romania
Payouts: up to $45, Approve: ≈57%
TA: F M 45+
Why it converts well in the summer: in the heat, people with high sugar levels find it difficult to regulate blood glucose levels. It increases significantly in summer weather, so the target audience is looking for a quick and effective solution to the problem.
Sources: Facebook, Google, natives, teaser networks
Approaches: an interview with an expert, medical article, personal blog

The health of people with fungal skin infections

Top geo: Lithuania
Payouts: up to $38, Approve: ≈50%
TA: F M 40+
Why converts well in summer: open shoes, beaches, hotels, and pools contribute to the development of the fungus, so in the summer, diseases increase many times.
Sources: Facebook, Google, natives, teaser networks
Approaches: medical article, personal blog

The health of the cardiovascular system

Top geo: Romania, Lithuania
Payouts: up to $45, Approve: ≈57%
TA: F M 45+
Why it converts well in summer: Even the body of a healthy person is subjected to considerable loads in the summer. And for those with a problem with blood vessels, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, monitor their well-being and take the necessary medications.
Sources: Facebook, Google, natives, teaser networks
Approaches: an interview with an expert, medical article, personal blog


Easycreo_bot – telegram bot for your affiliate routine

We want to share with you an interesting telegram bot that will do all the routine for you. @Easycreo_bot is a free bot for affiliates that will help you find fannel and make a creative for any category.

Everad has already integrated its pre landings into the bot, which show excellent conversion, and for the most attentive ones, we sewed a promo code for payout.

What else can this bot do?
  • Download white in a minute
  • View current creatives from the spy service
  • Get sources with doctors, famous people, TV presenters and other materials to create your creatives
  • Uniqueize creative with 99% throughput
The most important thing is that this bot is free, so it’s time to test funnels and run traffic in plus with @Easycreo_bot

Meet the Hungry Sharks team!

The hunt for luxury cars continues in The Wolf of Everad Wall Street competition, and we present the Sharks team. 50 best webmasters, and only one of them will receive the main prize - Mini Cooper.

Let's take a closer look!

TOP 50 - Hungry Sharks Team

Instead of legs, Sharks have fins and a tail, which gives them the ability to maneuver, elude and attack prey with the speed of lightning. They value time, have specific goals and a clear plan to achieve them. Cold and prudent, Sharks compete with each other, not noticing anything around. Many are content with what they have, not ready to leave their comfort zone and take risks, going out on land where the Lions rule.

To learn more about profitable GEOs and top offers, see the pictures in the post.

Prizes: Mini Cooper

Quarterly gifts: Q1 - Mac Book AIR M1, Q2 - iPad Air, Q3 - Apple Watch SE

Set goals correctly, assess your capabilities and choose which car will look best in your garage: Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class or Porsche Carrera T.

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