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Every 1000 poster will get an EWA Network account!

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Wow it's like going for the girl you know is above your station lol. EWA is owned by Eagle Web Assets Inc. is a privately owned debt free Internet advertising corporation focused on building, acquiring and investing in next-generation companies. EWA Private Network and BLAM Ads are under the same people. I have to get in, that's a game changer. Dam K, You don't just do things, you do things BIG. Thank you for the opportunity's you provide, not only this but the care you put into this community. We have industry leaders in our community that are one of us, that are here to benefit us. No other forum can compete with that and on top of that were getting better. Were in a class of our own. I'm sure I can speak for all of us however, I'm not, I just want to truly thank you for making CPAFIX super special.
Hello All, With such an prestigious account being provided, I thought it would be cool if we discussed the responsibility's of having such an account. Is there a level of production that must be upheld? Must one run a certain kind of campaign? And most all, what would this account mean to you? Now the BIG question, What will you give or do to get this account? Keep it clean, make it fun.... Cheers
Hello All, I have a question for you guys in the business. Can Linkwheels be legal? And How? Thanks
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