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Facebook Advertising

Leif W

Hi there,

I am very experienced in converting mobile adult traffic, but I am new to Facebook.

I have just created my own nutra offers and that has lead to me explore mainstream traffic sources.

The first campaign I loaded was an affiliate diet offer, but it was blocked straight away.

My AM recommended I use a cloak and run the offer - I am wondering what liability that might open me up to.

Any idea what offers you can just run?

What about creating a blog, advertising on that, and then promoting the blog on FB?

I see they also allow ap installs - can you promote a direct affiliate link there?

Any insights would be great!


Creating a blog will take so much time ... Try facebook groups it generates targeted and rapid traffic ... 10 posts a day in 5 groups of more than $10K members that's pretty awsome.

It's just a point of view

Wish you good luck :)
Yap, groups are much better. But don't forget about ad pages with appropriate content. I've made a ad page (just for myself) and still see 15 views a week.
Just imagine how many views/clicks you can get with proper contenting!
Nutra is off limits in the mainstream world; only way to run it is with tons of disclaimers but then your CR is going to be completely shit.

You have to cloak, because in order to sell you need to tell people what they wanna hear (that they can lose weight in 2 weeks, they don't have to do anything, it will just melt away fat, blah blah blah bullshit)

It is nature of the nutra beast; bullshit sells as people can't handle the truth that to lose weight you have to stop eating the good stuff and you need to get off your ass.

Hahahhaa ...I totally agree with Attila. Still the curiosity/desperation factor will still make people click on your add, instead of giving up as easily.. Still, I think a well monitored campaign will bring you at least awareness
My concern with cloaking is legal liability - especially if I own the offer. I don't want the FB legal team breathing down my neck.
Nutra is off limits in the mainstream world; only way to run it is with tons of disclaimers but then your CR is going to be completely shit.

You have to cloak, because in order to sell you need to tell people what they wanna hear (that they can lose weight in 2 weeks, they don't have to do anything, it will just melt away fat, blah blah blah bullshit)

It is nature of the nutra beast; bullshit sells as people can't handle the truth that to lose weight you have to stop eating the good stuff and you need to get off your ass.

Nutra sells but how would you arrange multiple credit cards to keep the flow?

Also, Which cloaker do you recommend for it? (Name)

Thank you.
To get multiple CC"s talk to your bank.
There are many clockers out there, JCI, TrafficArmor, FraudBuster, NoIpFraud to name a few. All of them will get you banned; there's no such thing as 100% perfect cloaked.
My concern with cloaking is legal liability - especially if I own the offer. I don't want the FB legal team breathing down my neck.
If you own the offer then you can contact Facebook ahead of time w/ the landers, images, etc. Bans apply to affiliates, but if you own the offer, then you are no different than Slimfast or Jenny Craig
Do not fuck with "The Social Network". As soon you get a C & D from FB's friendly legal department, that's it, you're toasted. At the very least, you ain't getting advertised there again.

Some merchants go to CPA networks, which then use affiliates, the ones cloaking and doing all the shady shit, cause at least these will serve as buffer and give them some "plausible deniability". But even big networks can get heat if affiliates screw up. I believe to this day Peerfly links are banned on fb.

So about the only way is going the "white hat" route and do some traffic laundry. Slap a blog with great/good/passable content and offer people a freebie (ebook, guide or something) to capture leads. "The money is in the list" after all, specially in your vertical. This will also be good for SEO and give you more credibility anyway. Since you're a merchant, it makes sense to tackle organic traffic as well.

There are plenty of white hat, corporate america friendly, tools & solutions for merchants these days. If they were made in silicon valley, FB is prolly cool with them.

SumoMe - The Best Website Traffic Tools has plenty of free ones and even premium versions for power users.

TBH I think your products fit more into the email marketing realm. So you can partner up with guys who already have them leads and long e-mail lists of potential customers. If you have a kickass funnel that makes them money, they'd prolly love to run your offers to their audience. There are some ad networks who promote your ads on their mailing lists. You could test your funnel there, before you bring individual affiliates, or go to an Afilliate Network.

And when you're ready for an Aff Network, I recommend you to talk to Jason Akatiff from A4D. Many "super affiliates" started working with him or did at some point. The guy earned mad respect in our industry for a reason.

You sound like a smart guy who have the resources to pull it off and make it big. Best of luck.

