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Review Facebook Bugs Thread And How To Fix Them

Mark Bon

New Member
This information is copied from another forum. I allowed myself this because the information is really useful. Thank you "kasher9"!


- What you noticed: Reach on targeting for adsets is showing as 1000 in some cases
- Date: First noticed in September
- Did you fix it?: Yes
- How did you fix it: Duplicate the adset, and change the targeting of the age a bit, it reverts back to the correct reach. I haven't managed to figure out why it's happening, I suspect it's down to them changing their data regularly because of GDPR/compliance.


- What you noticed: Pages are getting unpublished
- Date: October 20th 2018
- Did you fix it?: Yes and no
- How did you fix it: So the pages getting unpublished is happening often with my newer media buyers, in some instances it has been down to community guidelines breach (posting third party links is restricted and monitored as of july). And the other reason is there is a bug on facebook end, so the way we fixed this is by verifying the domain we are posting to facebook, and then creating the post. The other fix we are applying is we are making the names of the pages super unique, it seems like if the page has a similar name to someone else, it's causing it to become unpublished.


- What you noticed: Ads are getting disapproved for website reasons
- Date: October 2018
- Did you fix it? Reported by a friend, but yeah I fixed it for him
- How did you fix it: If you're cloaking, stop using redirect cloaking and don't have your cloaking installed up until your ads are getting auto-approve


- What you noticed: Ad spend is happening very randomly.
- Date: July 2018
- Did you fix it? Yes
- How did you fix it: I can't reveal specifics on how we fixed this as it's very specific to scenarios, but look into your payment solution and your ads itself. Try and try lifetime ads and make sure you're scheduling at the right time.


- What you noticed: Ads manager dashboard disappearing
- Date: October 2018
- Did you fix it? Facebook did
- How did you fix it: Ongoing bug, ad accounts are disappearing, but they come back, something is being changed in facebook, just be patient.


- What you noticed: Pages are disappearing and removing permissions
- Date: October 2018
- Did you fix it? Yes and no
- How did you fix it: This is still ongoing, what we have noticed is that if you give permissions to your business account, your page will be safer.


- What you noticed: Ads are scheduling themselves to end
- Date: October 2018
- Did you fix it? Facebook is working on it
- How did you fix it: Adset level, the ad is still ongoing, but if you click edit it says its scheduled to end. It's happening sporadically, not much to be done.


- What you noticed: Facebook says settle your balance, but balance is 0.
- Date: September 2018
- Did you fix it? Yes
- How did you fix it: Wait for few days, account will fix itself.


- What you noticed: Random ad disapproval, either BH or WH.
- Date: September 2018
- Did you fix it? Yes
- How did you fix it: After new prefletch 2, their bot is randomly disapproving ads. Just request review with message ''HELP, I did not break rules, why my ad is disapproved''. Currently 19/20 have had ads approved and running - Even BH!


- What you noticed: Ads active but not sepding.
- Date: September 2018
- Did you fix it? No
- How did you fix it: When trying to preview your ad under campaign tab, it says: 2 accounts doing this, NO IDEA about solution.


- What you noticed: Falsely claiming they couldn't bill the card with no option to "Try Again".
- Date: 3+ months ago
- Did you fix it? No, it happens at random to my knowledge.
- How did you fix it? Just "Add a New Payment Method" as that's the only option you'll have.


- What you noticed: Newly published campaign / ad set / ad doesn't show up immediately in the manager.
- Date: 2 months ago
- Did you fix it? No
- How did you fix it? It will eventually appear after an hour or longer.


- What you noticed: They claim having re-enabled the payments account, but it remains disabled.
- Date: 2-3 months ago
- Did you fix it? No
- How did you fix it? They'll keep telling you either nothing is wrong or that they have "re-enabled" it.


- What you noticed: They claim having reactivated an ad account while it remains deactivated.
- Date: 5+ months ago
- Did you fix it? Yes
- How did you fix it? A re-appeal eventually gets the job done.

#Bug15 (kinda similar to #Bug5)

- What you noticed: They routinely break the Business Manager / Ad Manager for everyone.
- Date: 4 months ago
- Did you fix it? No, but I think they're just bad at updating the platform, not shy of breaking things along the way.
- How did you fix it? They usually fix it within a few hours to a day or so.


- What you noticed: I created a Page and set it up nicely and everything was undone the next day. :|
- Date: 1 month ago
- Did you fix it? No
- How did you fix it? Just redid the whole thing.

- What you noticed: turning your Instagram Account into a Business Account will create a Hidden Businessmanager which is not reachable and blocking you adding it into a Businessmanager
- Date: June 2018
- Did you fix it? Yes
- How did you fix it? turned the Business Instagram back to a Personal Account before adding it into a created Businessmanager

- What you noticed: adding first card to ad account gives the following error "This card has been declined. Please verify that all card information that you've provided is accurate and try again. If you continue to experience these problems, contact your bank or card issuer to find out why the card has been declined" then payments get disabled
- Date: November 2018
- Did you fix it? Yes & No
- How did you fix it? The error message is a LIE. It has nothing to do with card getting declined.Tried other card BIN's and it worked. My old reliable card BIN's stopped working, thanks for killing it guys. This error also happens if the BIN country is different from account country for the first attach.


- What you noticed: JSON error when uploading ads
- Date: Nov 2018
- Did you fix it? Facebook issue
- How did you fix it: It's a facebook issue, just wait a few hours, the acc isn't banned so don't panic.


- What you noticed: I can not add a fanpage post as a story. I see that some of the fanpage is still added stories
- Date: few days ago
- Did you fix it? No
- How did you fix it? No idea. Maybe some of you will help?


- What you noticed: Facebook isn't spending
- Date: few days ago
- Did you fix it: Facebook was down
- How did you fix it?: Facebook's ads platform got crashed by the huge influx of ecom guys trying to bid for black friday traffic, and as a result no one was able to upload ads. Whilst they are reporting the issue is fixed, we have noticed that a lot of our accs are struggling to spend. I suspect its because people are still bidding for the holiday season traffic (cyber monday for ex). It will be a tough few weeks for BH.


- What you noticed: During the current advertising, Facebook starts a security check and blocks the account to check the photo. 1-2 days no access to the business manager. But advertising continues and the budget is spent.
- Date: Dec 2018
- Did you fix it? yes
- How did you fix it: I always add my second account (or friend’s account) to business manager administrators


- What you noticed: is not downloading ads manager page, although all other pages of the advertising cabinet open easily
- Date: Nov 2018
- Did you fix it? yes
- How did you fix it: need to change the language in your personal account or go to the mobile Internet

- What you noticed: ad disapproved (even if duplicate active adset)
- Date: always
- Did you fix it? Yes
- How did you fix it: Add/remove dot/comma/1 word in ad and publics it again
I will quote updates


- What you noticed: SMS doesn't come when it is needed to confirm acc identity
- Date: Jan 2019
- Did you fix it? No
- How did you fix it: I tried to log in from mobile version or iphone/android application, but SMS still does not come. It is interesting that other SMS from FB (password recovery) I recieved. Problem is only with confirm identity SMS.
I have also 3 accounts with this problem. All of them are old and there are active campaings now (I can see clicks log in my tracker).
So I don't think it is a "low trust" problem. Also problem exist on different mobile providers, not only one.