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Facebook direct linking

hey there, so i am sharing here an example for the Instagram story that i am want to publish (of course it will be better looking, but this is just the "main" construction of it) , please tell me if you think this is , in overall, good looking, and if this is will be allowed by the Instagram policy?

(the text just says "remove scratches in minutes , and , free shipping)
Seems like the product itself is not objectionable.
But you are not the seller just an affiliate --that may be an issue using Instagram --same as Facebook would be ...
Then it should work without problems, give it a go, and let us know how it went. :)
Great! I'll let you know!,

But it wouldn't be a problem that the video that taken is not my own, it's from some other YouTube channel? (But I edit the video for the story In my own)

I a aspect of copyrights or something?
Try all the work-arounds you want --maybe some will work.
Ban first ask questions later is the policy at Facebook and other media they own.
You want a guarantee --buy a toaster.
Try all the work-arounds you want --maybe some will work."

Do you mean that nothing is 100% on facrbook? Or that My speaific idea?

Sorry , my English isn't the best, please explain
and, if you say that because of that the product isnt really in my on responsibility and im just the affiliate, it wouldn't be agreed by Facebook, doesn't it means that Facebook doesn't accept affiliate offers, at all? (i mean, must be thousands of affiliate marketers using Facebook, and its fine by them, of course, with their on landing page)
Try all the work-arounds you want --maybe some will work.
Ban first ask questions later is the policy at Facebook and other media they own.
You want a guarantee --buy a toaster.
^above @MarinaPetrova
You mindless twit


rep magt team
Categorization is when you pay to much attention to boundaries you won't see the bigger picture


Caveat emptor
When it walks like spam, talks like spam --it's definitely spam!
Facebook is not a 'slam dunk' there are no set rules they change them a lot
what works this week may not work next week in some affiliate ads.
Well I know pros that get blocked doing pretty legit business at Facebook.
Try post booster ads first --the odds are better if you get burnt they will not block your account.