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Facebook for beginners


Hi guys.
Starting to play with FB ads these days and there are couple of things that I want to understand.
I have everything to start run the campaign, offer, ads, LP's.
When I go to create ad I have the option to create an ad that will look like a post on my wall.
I don't really want that, I want my ads to be anonymous in the geos that I'm targeting to.
What options I have?

Option 1 (tried it): I opened a new fake FB profile? tried that and FB did not accept my payment method because I've used it already in my main account and completely blocked it.

Option 2: Start a "Like Page" and write a post there and "Boost" it. But I'm not sure this option has the same targeting abilities as a regular ad.

* Am I at some sort of risk when I use my personal identity when promoting affiliate links on FB?

Kindly tell me what is the right way to do it... Thank you guys :)
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Hi guys.
Starting to play with FB ads these days and there are couple of things that I want to understand.
I have everything to start run the campaign, offer, ads, LP's.
When I go to create ad I have the option to create an ad that will look like a post on my wall.
I don't really want that, I want my ads to be anonymous in the geos that I'm targeting to.
What options I have?

Option 1 (tried it): I opened a new fake FB profile? tried that and FB did not accept my payment method because I've used it already in my main account and completely blocked it.

Option 2: Start a "Like Page" and write a post there and "Boost" it. But I'm not sure this option has the same targeting abilities as a regular ad.

* Am I at some sort of risk when I use my personal identity when promoting affiliate links on FB?

Kindly tell me what is the right way to do it... Thank you guys :)
Hi @evik,

not sure whether I got you right, but as it looks you are confusing account (profile)
and page (= fanpage).

An account or personal profile you are only allowed to have 1 on Facebook!

Starting from this, your personal account you are allowed to open as much pages (= fanpages = business pages) as you want, recommendable is 1 fanpage for each ad, since it's clearer arranged for a splittesting and tracking (BTW, Facebook itself recommends that too!).
Only on these pages you will post your ads, not in your account.

@ aff links: post them from your pages, not your account, with common sense, reasonable and don't overdo it. Don't link directly, but to a reasonable lander or website, then you will be perfectly fine with Mark Zuckerberg ;)

Hope this helps and clarifies your Qs.
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Thank you very much Marc :) this was helpful
Now FB don't accept my Voluum link...
After I go through all the process of the ad and reaching the point where I have to paste my link into the "Website URL" field it becomes red and it says
"Preview Not Available: Unable to display a preview of this ad"
(Error: (#2622) The destination is blocked)

Maybe it's because I already tried to promote the same link in the previous account...
Is it possible to change the link from Voluum and create a new URL to the same offer? Or do I have to start a new campaign in Voluum for that?
Thank you very much Marc :) this was helpful
Now FB don't accept my Voluum link...
After I go through all the process of the ad and reaching the point where I have to paste my link into the "Website URL" field it becomes red and it says
"Preview Not Available: Unable to display a preview of this ad"
(Error: (#2622) The destination is blocked)

Maybe it's because I already tried to promote the same link in the previous account...
Is it possible to change the link from Voluum and create a new URL to the same offer? Or do I have to start a new campaign in Voluum for that?
Hi again @evik, I'll try to bring our Voluum expert, Sir @servandosilva, here to take a look at it.
He will definitely be able to help you, but maybe it will last a few hours, or days... So simply be patient, but the ambulance will come :D
Yeah I need it:(
I've created a new link and a whole new campaign for the same offer in Voluum, link was updated but FB did NOT.
starting to give up on Facebook as a traffic source... They're so hard...
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As Marc said, don't open another fake profile. That's a quick way to get banned on both accounts. Your ads are never attached to your own profile aside from the payment process, so nobody will know that the ads are yours.

As for Voluum, Facebook has a big database of banned links from many networks. Are you direct linking to an offer or using a landing page?
You can be able to have another payment account so as to fund the ads on the fake profile. It is always the best way to get the target based traffic. Because you will have a profile that mimics the target geo. Be however careful to use the VPns so that you are not caught up in the mix of the Facebook policies which will result to your account being banned. The Like page is also a good Ideas, as long as you manage it well, you will have great conversions.
Thanks guys.
Changed my domain on voluum and now using my own server for tracking.
Still when I paste the link I get this

What now? :(