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Facebook or LinkedIn which is more effective?

We all know that these two social media channels target different users. Members of LinkedIn are the professionals while Facebook is for all. You can use both mediums for marketing purposes but Facebook surely has a better conversion rate for traffic and potential customers.
It depends on your purpose. Facebook is more public to general people while LinkedIn is more in professional business network.
In this which is more effective?
Facebook or LinkedIn
Both the social media platforms have their own niche.
Facebook is meant for the masses whereas Linkedin is meant for professional only.

Your campaign effectiveness would depend upon the kind of campaign it is. If it is meant for the masses, it is better to promote yourself on Facebook; if the campaign is meant for professionals strictly, then it is better to promote on Linkedin
It depends on the kind of relationship or lead generation you're looking for. For me I meet more serious professionals on Linkedin
I think fb and linkedin both are effective. if you want traffic or promote your bussiness go for fb but it's also Depends on your target audience If you want to network with professional then go for Linkedin
Both are effective if the content is customized properly for better indexing. Also, Pinterest is gathering momentum these days and is poised to grow.
Facebook or LinkedIn both are the most powerful social media platforms that most of people use. Both Facebook or LinkedIn play important roles on different roles.

Most of profession use LinkedIn on another side professional people use Facebook too but Facebook is amazing features for all age people.