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Facebook VS Twitter?

Facebook and Twitter are two very different sites in my opinion. Facebook has great advertising options for pages you create but Twitter can be more useful in keeping up to date with companies you follow. A mixture of both would be best!
Twittеr is mоrе usеful tо mе. Whilе Fасеbооk оftеn rеsults in hоurs оf timе wаstеd, Twittеr tеnds tо dеlivеr mеаningful соntеnt аbоut thе wоrld оutsidе. It's аll hоw yоu usе it thоugh. If yоu'rе nоt surе hоw "lists" аnd "hаshtаgs" truly wоrk, аnd yоu'rе оnly sееing сеlеbrity gоssiр, yоu'll bе inсlinеd tо think Twittеr is а wаstе оf timе. Hоwеvеr, with а саrеfully sеlесtеd grоuр оf реорlе tо fоllоw, yоu gеt uр-tо-thе-minutе infоrmаtiоn thаt nо оthеr mеdiа оutlеt hаs bееn сараblе оf tо dаtе.
I can say that Twitter never die as it became as the voice of politicians of several countries, so chances are prevailing that more people can use twitter in near future. Apart from political leaders most of the movie industry and several businesses markets are sharing their information and views through Twitter platform.

Facebook has its own features and almost everyone in FB shares their personal issues through it, FB has user attractive appeal and user eye stealing features of it enable to collaborate with large masses over the world.
If you want to increase traffic for your online business then facebook is good to pick because everyone (younger to older) use facebook....
Facebook is the best because it is user friendly,service system is good,its make quickly friend, join group,share all things.