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Facts and Myths about Offerwall Rewards



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Understanding Offerwalls: Separating Facts from Myths​

Monetizing mobile apps is vital for developers, yet the potential of Offerwall tools is frequently underestimated. Offerwalls, which let users interact with rewarded ads, have shown to be both popular and effective. According to the Ultimate Offerwall Guide by TapJoy, 70% of mobile gamers appreciate rewarded ads, with 47% preferring them to earn virtual premium currency. Weekly, 79.1% of users engage with rewarded ads, with 41% doing so daily. Additionally, 43% of gamers have made purchases based on rewarded ads, highlighting the acceptance and effectiveness of Offerwalls.

Dispelling Common Offerwall Myths​


1. MYTH: Offerwalls Only Use the CPE Model​

FACT: The CPE (Cost Per Engagement) model is standard but only one of the options available. Models like CPI (Cost Per Install), CPA (Cost Per Action), CPL (Cost Per Lead), and CPS (Cost Per Sale) are also used. Developers can select the model that best fits their goals, ensuring a customized monetization approach.

2. MYTH: Offerwalls Provide a Substandard User Experience​


FACT: In the past, Offerwalls were seen as inconvenient, but modern Offerwalls, such as those offered by MyLead, provide a seamless user experience. Users now have multiple ways to engage with offers, like filling out surveys or watching ads. TapJoy reports that 79.2% of users complete surveys they start, showing high engagement levels.

3. MYTH: Offerwalls Undermine In-App Purchases​


FACT: Contrary to popular belief, Offerwalls do not undermine in-app purchases (IAPs); they provide an additional way for users to access rewards or premium features. Offerwalls can increase revenue by balancing free and paid options. According to MafAd, 43% of gamers buy items they see in rewarded ads, showing that Offerwalls can drive sales alongside IAPs.

4. MYTH: Offerwalls Are Only for Mobile Games​

FACT: Initially linked to mobile games, Offerwalls are now used across various app categories, including those from the productivity, utility, and entertainment categories. Their adaptability makes them a valuable monetization tool for developers across many industries.

5. MYTH: Offerwalls Do Not Enhance App Monetization​


FACT: Modern Offerwalls significantly boost app monetization by offering users non-intrusive ways to interact with ads, complete tasks, or take surveys. This engagement increases user participation and revenue streams for developers.

6. MYTH: Offerwalls Limit Other Monetization Methods​

FACT: Implementing Offerwalls does not exclude other monetization strategies. They can work alongside various ad formats, offering a comprehensive approach to revenue generation. This ensures a balanced and user-friendly experience, enhancing overall monetization.


Offerwalls debunk myths about their effectiveness in app monetization. They offer flexible models beyond CPE, ensure a smooth user experience, and complement other monetization methods like IAPs. Their versatility extends beyond gaming apps, making them beneficial across diverse categories. Modern Offerwalls, such as those provided by MyLead, significantly boost app monetization by increasing user engagement and offering non-intrusive ad interactions. Developers who overlook the potential of Offerwalls may miss out on valuable opportunities for success.

To discover a robust OfferWall solution, consider visiting MyLead's platform at MyLead OfferWall.
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Today, this post, is my HAHA moment when everything is clear.

I was blind and now I see.
Thank you MyLead

Edited to add: I will totally look into the offerwall. I am now intrigued.
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