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I'm trying to upload a sales ad to my facebook account, but the ad account was restricted as soon as I created BM

I followed a contingency process, used a heated profile, accessed this profile with 4g and dolphin, created a page, heated that page and also ran a recognition ad for 4 days. even so, I couldn't create the BM. as soon as I created it, I already received an email from the meta that the account was restricted and I could not advertise on it.

I would like to ask if anyone knows what I could be doing wrong for Facebook to restrict my account so quickly, and I didn't even run any ads other than recognition
I followed a contingency process, used a heated profile, accessed this profile with 4g and dolphin, created a page, heated that page and also ran a recognition ad for 4 days.

They have seen this pattern before. Have you done this previously with another account?
I have some heating bills. I access all of them through dolphin and always through 4g.

however only 3 of them I created the page and the ad account. and only on this account did I make the acknowledgment announcement
You must realize they can identify it is you on all accounts you are using. As well, when they identify someone with multiple accounts and can identify any of them as agency or purchased accounts they will automatically suspend the associated ads accounts and usually the user accounts as well. Everyone thinks they can beat a multi billion dollar organization at this game. Eventually they always win.

I have many friends in the Blackhat business and they all have had hundreds, many hundreds, of accounts banned and they keep playing the game. They tell me bans used to happen a few times a month, now they say the bans come every few days.

If you have attempted any form, no matter how slight, of Blackhat tactics and methods with FB, they always find out. I don't do Blackhat. I have been advertising on FB since the day they started offering ad accounts. I have an an assigned FB rep because of my volume. Not once have I had a ban because I play by their rules. Guess what, I still make bank with Whitehat on FB.

You are wrestling with a ten ton gorilla, do you really think you can beat them at their own game?
but what about those people who sell with Blackhat, using these same strategies and still making money?

I'm asking because I've actually seen hundreds of people using these same strategies and they managed to sell like that. I mean, I know that I will inevitably get restrictions and blocks from facebook, but I thought that at least I would be able to advertise for a few days before these blocks come.

since, as you said, they are acknowledging that it is the same person on all accounts, what could I do?

following what you said, I believe I would have two options, the first: sell only in Whitehat; and the second: delete all other accounts and use only one.

regardless of which of the two options I decide to follow, I still have the question of how other people manage to "circumvent" these rules and I, even following all the strategies, cannot
but what about those people who sell with Blackhat, using these same strategies and still making money?

What do you mean by what about those that still do blackhat and make money? What about them? It's a really tough game and they get banned many times a week now. They are buying dozens of accounts a week. Is that really the type of marketing you want to get into? If so, then plan on weekly bans and weekly purchases of accounts. It's just that simple.

You have to also plan on using an LP cloaker and an IP switcher. Blackhat is a sophisticated game and it requires a team to keep the game going. Blackhat success is not cheap and it is not easy. Yes you can bank big bucks, but you have to know the game extremely well, have a team, and have a huge budget. Anyone that says that isn't true is bulls**ing you.

The Blackhat marketing schemes that once ruled on FB and other social channels is not a proper way to build a sustainable business. The social channels and the SE's are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into preventing blackhat from succeeding on their channels. Do you really think there is a long term success available to anyone that thinks they can beat them?

You can build a long term respectable growing business with whitehat or you build a business that is never long-term, never respectable, and never predictable with blackhat. YOU DECIDE!
Parasite meet insect spray!
That is how Facebook sees your antics ...

I do find it ironic that Facebook is more worried about its advertising reputation than it is about the rampant infiltration of political misinformation bots and users. Facebook is a clown show but it has legitimate traffic that can be segmented and monetized on Facebook's terms --not yours nor mine.
I do find it ironic that Facebook is more worried about its advertising reputation than it is about the rampant infiltration of political misinformation bots and users.

It's crazy isn't it?! They are total knuckleheads over there. My account manager contacted me a couple days ago and said he had been flagged for two of my ads he had approved that they claim were fraud. These were almost identical to creatives and funnels for private jet charters I have had running for almost 5 months and spent over $17k on in that time. He was the one that actually used the word knucklehead. He found absolutely no violations, no improper use of the ads, and contacted the fraud departments team leader. I ended up getting a $2k ad credit for the interruption of service. Turns out that the new lead of the fraud team is out to chop off heads and ask questions later. This is what they have turned into. Unfounded acts of aggression against advertisers. Even seasoned accounts like mine that are almost as old as FB.

They allow compliance department heads to abuse advertisers and yet they allow blatant misinformation, dangerous misinformation, to flow like a dozen fire hydrants running at once. I am never a supporter of traditional censorship, but when claims are made by political rivals to cause violence and pain to others I have to draw the line there and call for that to be censored, or at least labeled as "BUL*SH*T!
I seriously appreciate the data. But I got one doubt and you would save my life if you clarified it to me. Can you have both types of business as agencies and affiliate marketing each one in a different ads account? while exercising white hat of course
Account warming seems pointless with existing BM accounts, even with verified BMs. A personal account is probably the better choice for you at the moment
But I got one doubt and you would save my life if you clarified it to me. Can you have both types of business as agencies and affiliate marketing each one in a different ads account?
I am not Facebook support --so this is just logic ...

  1. If they are 2 separate business entities.
  2. If they have distinct payment methods i.e.; bank credit cards in different names.

Reasoning: Legally, you can't co-mingle funds between distinct entities.
I'm trying to upload a sales ad to my facebook account, but the ad account was restricted as soon as I created BM

I followed a contingency process, used a heated profile, accessed this profile with 4g and dolphin, created a page, heated that page and also ran a recognition ad for 4 days. even so, I couldn't create the BM. as soon as I created it, I already received an email from the meta that the account was restricted and I could not advertise on it.

I would like to ask if anyone knows what I could be doing wrong for Facebook to restrict my account so quickly, and I didn't even run any ads other than recognition
Are you running a policy violation, please double check your images and content
I'm trying to upload a sales ad to my facebook account, but the ad account was restricted as soon as I created BM

I followed a contingency process, used a heated profile, accessed this profile with 4g and dolphin, created a page, heated that page and also ran a recognition ad for 4 days. even so, I couldn't create the BM. as soon as I created it, I already received an email from the meta that the account was restricted and I could not advertise on it.

I would like to ask if anyone knows what I could be doing wrong for Facebook to restrict my account so quickly, and I didn't even run any ads other than recognition
We recommend using ad accounts that have a spending history and they can run all items from WH - BH